
complete blood count

com·plete blood count
C c


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [kuh m-pleet bluhd kount]
    • /kəmˈplit blʌd kaʊnt/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [kuh m-pleet bluhd kount]
    • /kəmˈplit blʌd kaʊnt/

Definitions of complete blood count words

  • noun complete blood count a diagnostic test that determines the exact numbers of each type of blood cell in a fixed quantity of blood. Abbreviation: CBC. 1
  • noun complete blood count A measure of the number, concentration, and size of white blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells in one's blood. 0

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Complete blood count


complete blood count popularity

This term is known only to a narrow circle of people with rare knowledge. Only 1% of English native speakers know the meaning of this word.
According to our data most of word are more popular. This word is almost not used. It has a much more popular synonym.

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Synonyms for complete blood count

noun complete blood count

  • cbc — Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
  • blood work — a blood test or blood tests collectively.
  • blood profile — a diagnostic test that determines the exact numbers of each type of blood cell in a fixed quantity of blood. Abbreviation: CBC.

See also

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