

D d


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [dih-sep-uh-muh nt]
    • /dɪˈsɛp ə mənt/
    • /dɪ.ˈse.pɪ.mənt/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [dih-sep-uh-muh nt]
    • /dɪˈsɛp ə mənt/

Definitions of dissepiment word

  • noun dissepiment Anatomy, Zoology. a partition or septum in a tissue. 1
  • noun dissepiment Botany. one of the partitions formed within ovaries and fruits by the coherence of the sides of the constituent carpels. 1
  • noun dissepiment A partition in a part or organ; a septum. 1
  • noun dissepiment a dividing partition or membrane, such as that between the chambers of a syncarpous ovary 0
  • noun dissepiment a separating membrane or partition, as that between adjacent carpels of a compound ovary 0
  • noun dissepiment (botany, zoology) partition (in an organ); septum. 0

Information block about the term

Origin of dissepiment

First appearance:

before 1720
One of the 49% newest English words
1720-30; < Latin dissaepīmentum, equivalent to dis- dis-1 + saepīmentum hedge (saepī(re) to fence + -mentum -ment)

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Dissepiment


dissepiment popularity

A pretty common term. Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. About 39% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.
According to our data about 64% of words is more used. This is a rare but used term. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people.

dissepiment usage trend in Literature

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Antonyms for dissepiment

noun dissepiment

  • sepiment — a hedge or fence that acts as a dividing line

See also

Matching words

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