
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • purse seine — a large net towed, usually by two boats, that encloses a school of fish and is then closed at the bottom by means of a line resembling the string formerly used to draw shut the neck of a money pouch or purse
  • purse-seine — to fish using a purse seine.
  • pustulation — the formation or breaking out of pustules.
  • put on airs — a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.
  • putrescible — liable to become putrid.
  • pycniospore — the spore produced in a pycnium.
  • pyroclastic — composed chiefly of fragments of volcanic origin, as agglomerate, tuff, and certain other rocks; volcaniclastic.
  • pyrognostic — relating to heated minerals
  • pyrokinesis — the ability to set objects or people on fire through the concentration of psychic power.
  • quasi-happy — delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
  • quintuplets — Plural form of quintuplet.
  • rap session — a usually informal or unstructured group discussion, attended especially by people with shared interests, concerns, or problems.
  • rapid chess — a game of chess played within a fixed amount of time, usually 30 minutes per player for all moves.
  • rapscallion — a rascal; rogue; scamp.
  • raspberries — the fruit of any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Rubus, of the rose family, consisting of small and juicy red, black, or pale yellow drupelets forming a detachable cap about a convex receptacle.
  • re-emphasis — special stress laid upon, or importance attached to, anything: The president's statement gave emphasis to the budgetary crisis.
  • re-inspired — to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: His courage inspired his followers.
  • re-shipping — to ship again.
  • reappraisal — the act of estimating or judging the nature or value of something or someone.
  • reappraiser — a person who appraises someone or something again
  • recall slip — a printed piece of paper sent by library staff to a borrower's home address to remind them that a book is overdue
  • reemphasize — to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress: to emphasize a point; to emphasize the eyes with mascara.
  • reinspected — to look carefully at or over; view closely and critically: to inspect every part of the motor.
  • repair shop — garage, body shop: for vehicles
  • reparations — the making of amends for wrong or injury done: reparation for an injustice.
  • repetiteuse — a female repetiteur, one who rehearses opera singers
  • repetitious — full of repetition, especially unnecessary and tedious repetition: a repetitious account of their vacation trip.
  • replenished — to make full or complete again, as by supplying what is lacking, used up, etc.: to replenish one's stock of food.
  • replenisher — to make full or complete again, as by supplying what is lacking, used up, etc.: to replenish one's stock of food.
  • repressible — to keep under control, check, or suppress (desires, feelings, actions, tears, etc.).
  • repressibly — in a repressible way
  • reprovision — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • republisher — a person who republishes
  • res publica — the state, republic, or commonwealth
  • rescription — a reply or answering of a letter
  • respiration — the act of respiring; inhalation and exhalation of air; breathing.
  • respiratory — pertaining to or serving for respiration: respiratory disease.
  • responsible — answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for): He is responsible to the president for his decisions.
  • responsibly — answerable or accountable, as for something within one's power, control, or management (often followed by to or for): He is responsible to the president for his decisions.
  • responsions — the first of three examinations which were required for a degree at the University of Oxford prior to 1960
  • rest period — a period of rest
  • retail shop — a shop which sells goods to individual customers
  • retinispora — any member of the genus Retinispora, of conifers which grow in the east of Asia and in the east and west of North America
  • retinoscope — an apparatus that determines the refractive power of the eye by observing the lights and shadows on the pupil when a mirror illumines the retina; skiascope.
  • retinoscopy — an objective method of determining the refractive error of an eye.
  • rh positive — See under Rh factor.
  • rh-positive — See under Rh factor.
  • rhapsodical — extravagantly enthusiastic; ecstatic.
  • rheotropism — the effect of a current of water upon the direction of plant growth.
  • rhinoplasty — plastic surgery of the nose.
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