
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • skeptically — inclined to skepticism; having an attitude of doubt: a skeptical young woman who will question whatever you say.
  • ski jumping — a competitive event, included in the Nordic combined, in which a skier jumps from a ski jump, often traveling 230 to 300 feet (70 to 90 meters) in the air, with scores being based on both the skier's form and the distance of the jump.
  • ski-jumping — the sport or activity of (skiers) jumping from a high ramp overhanging a slope
  • skip tracer — an investigator whose job is to locate missing persons, especially debtors.
  • skyscraping — of or like a skyscraper; very high: a skyscraping chimney.
  • sleep on it — contemplate sth overnight
  • sleep tight — Sleep well
  • slip stitch — a sewing stitch for securing hems, etc, in which only two or three threads of the material are caught up by the needle each time, so that the stitches are nearly invisible from the right side
  • slip-stitch — a loose stitch taken between two layers of fabric, as on a facing or hem, so as to be invisible on the right side or outside surface, used in stoating.
  • slipperette — a disposable slipper, often of paper, as for wear during a long airplane or train trip.
  • slipperwort — any of several tropical American plants belonging to the genus Calceolaria, of the figwort family, having opposite or whorled leaves and slipper-shaped flowers.
  • slit pocket — a pocket on the underside of a garment, reached through a vertical opening
  • small print — text typewritten in a small-sized font
  • smoke point — heat at which oil gives off smoke
  • snail-paced — slow of pace or motion, like a snail; sluggish.
  • sniperscope — a snooperscope designed for attaching to a rifle or carbine.
  • soap boiler — a manufacturer of soap
  • soapolallie — a drink made by crushing soapberries
  • social wasp — any of several wasps, as the hornets or yellowjackets, that live together in a community.
  • sociography — the branch of sociology that uses statistical data to describe social phenomena.
  • sociopathic — a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
  • soda siphon — fizzy water dispenser
  • sodium pump — an energy-consuming mechanism in cell membranes that transports sodium ions across the membrane, in exchange for potassium ions or other substances.
  • soft option — If you take the soft option, you do the thing that is easiest or least likely to cause trouble in a particular situation.
  • soft pencil — a type of pencil that contains a thicker, oilier and darker form of graphite
  • soldiership — a person who serves in an army; a person engaged in military service.
  • solipsistic — of or characterized by solipsism, or the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist: Her treatment philosophy dealt with madness as a complete, self-contained, solipsistic world that sane people are not able to enter.
  • sophistical — of the nature of sophistry; fallacious.
  • sophistries — Sophistries are clever arguments that sound convincing but are in fact false.
  • sopping wet — soaked, dripping
  • soroptimist — a member of an international association of professional or executive businesswomen (Soroptimist Club) devoted primarily to welfare work.
  • spacefaring — space travel
  • spaceflight — the flying of manned or unmanned spacecraft into or in outer space.
  • spaghettini — pasta in the form of long thin strings
  • spallanzani — Lazzaro [lahd-dzah-raw] /ˈlɑd dzɑ rɔ/ (Show IPA), 1729–99, Italian biologist.
  • spanakopita — a baked dish consisting of spinach, feta cheese, eggs, and scallions enclosed in layers of phyllo.
  • spanish fir — a species of fir native to S Spain and N Morocco, Abies pinsapo
  • spanish fly — Also called cantharides. a preparation of powdered blister beetles, especially the Spanish fly, used medicinally as a counterirritant, diuretic, and aphrodisiac.
  • sparagmatic — denoting a type of Precambrian rock found in Scandinavia
  • sparklingly — in a sparkling manner
  • spasmolysis — the relaxation or relief of muscle spasm.
  • spasmolytic — of or noting spasmolysis.
  • spastically — Pathology. pertaining to, of the nature of, or characterized by spasm, especially tonic spasm.
  • speakeasies — a saloon or nightclub selling alcoholic beverages illegally, especially during Prohibition.
  • speakership — a person who speaks.
  • spec cint92 — (benchmark)   A benchmark suite from SPEC, which contains six benchmarks in C performing integer computations. They can be used to estimate the performance of CPU, memory system, and compiler code generation. The individual programs are Logic Design (2x), Interpreter, Data Compression, Spreadsheet. The approximate size of the suite is 85500 lines of source code without comments. The benchmark suite can be used either for speed measurement, resulting in SPEC ratios, or for throughput measurement, resulting in SPEC rates
  • special act — a legislative act that applies only to specific persons or to a specific area.
  • specialised — to pursue some special line of study, work, etc.; have a specialty: The doctor specializes in gastroenterology.
  • specialises — to pursue some special line of study, work, etc.; have a specialty: The doctor specializes in gastroenterology.
  • specialized — to pursue some special line of study, work, etc.; have a specialty: The doctor specializes in gastroenterology.
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