
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • scripholder — a person who owns a scrip or scrips
  • scripophile — a person who practices scripophily.
  • scripophily — the collecting by hobbyists of old stock certificates and bonds that have no intrinsic value other than their aesthetic appeal or relative rarity.
  • script girl — a female secretarial assistant to the director of a motion picture.
  • scriptorial — of or relating to a scriptorium
  • scriptorium — a room, as in a monastery, library, or other institution, where manuscripts are stored, read, or copied.
  • scripturism — the state of being versed in Scripture
  • scripturist — a person who obeys and is versed in the Scriptures
  • scrumptious — very pleasing, especially to the senses; delectable; splendid: a scrumptious casserole; a scrumptious satin gown.
  • sculpturing — the act of sculpturing or carving
  • scyphistoma — a stage in the life cycle of a jellyfish or other scyphozoan when it is fixed in place and reproduces asexually to produce free-swimming medusas.
  • sea captain — the master of a seagoing vessel.
  • seed shrimp — ostracod
  • seepage pit — a pit that is lined with a porous, mortarless masonry wall in which effluent from a septic tank is collected for gradual seepage into the ground, sometimes used as a substitute for a drainfield.
  • seismic gap — the part of an active fault that has experienced little or no seismic activity for a long period, indicating the buildup of stresses that are useful in predicting earthquakes.
  • seismograph — any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes.
  • seismoscope — an instrument for recording the occurrence or time of an earthquake.
  • self-poised — acting with poise.
  • self-praise — the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.
  • self-profit — Often, profits. pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit. the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested. returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments.
  • semi-sphere — shaped like half a sphere; hemispheric.
  • semiellipse — a half ellipse, usually one containing both ends of the major axis.
  • semipalmate — partially or imperfectly palmate, as a bird's foot; half-webbed.
  • semiplastic — imperfectly plastic; in a state between rigidity and plasticity.
  • semipopular — relatively popular; quite popular
  • semiprivate — having some degree of privacy but not fully private, as a hospital room with fewer beds than a ward.
  • semispheric — shaped like half a sphere; hemispheric.
  • sempervivum — any of various succulent plants belonging to the genus Sempervivum, of the stonecrop family, having leaves in dense basal rosettes and a compact, flat-topped cluster of flowers, and including the houseleek, S. tectorum, and other commonly cultivated species.
  • sempiternal — everlasting; eternal.
  • sempiternum — a type of durable woollen fabric popular in the 17th century
  • sempstering — the profession of being a tailor
  • senatorship — the office or position of a senator
  • senior prom — a formal dance or gathering of high school students held at the end of the senior year
  • septembrist — a person who instigated or took part in the September Massacre.
  • septemviral — of or relating to septemvirs or a septemvirate.
  • septenarius — a verse consisting of seven feet, usually printed in two lines: used especially in Latin poems.
  • septentrion — Obsolete. the north.
  • septic tank — a tank in which solid organic sewage is decomposed and purified by anaerobic bacteria.
  • septicaemia — the invasion and persistence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood-stream.
  • septiferous — in possession of a septum or partition
  • septifragal — (of a capsule) dehiscing by breaking away from the partitions but remaining attached to the common axis; dehiscing at the valves or backs of the carpels but leaving the septa intact.
  • septivalent — having a valence of seven; heptavalent.
  • serendipity — an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
  • serial port — A serial port on a computer is a place where you can connect the computer to a device such as a modem or a mouse.
  • serigrapher — someone who engages in serigraphy
  • serigraphic — of or pertaining to serigraphy
  • serpentinic — of, relating to, or containing the mineral serpentine
  • serpentlike — resembling a serpent
  • serpiginous — (formerly) a creeping or spreading skin disease, as ringworm.
  • service cap — a saucer-shaped uniform cap with a visor, standard in the U.S. Army and Air Force.
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