
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • sesquipedal — given to using long words.
  • sesquiplane — a biplane having one wing with not more than half the surface area of the other wing.
  • seven pines — Fair Oaks (def 1).
  • sewage pipe — a pipe used to carry waste matter such as faeces or dirty water from homes and factories
  • share price — cost of financial stocks
  • sharpeville — a town in E South Africa: scene of riots in 1960 (when 69 demonstrators died), 1984, and 1985 (when 19 died)
  • shepherding — a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep.
  • shine up to — to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light.
  • shinplaster — a plaster for the shin or leg.
  • shinsplints — inflammation of the muscles around the shinbone caused by strenuous exercise
  • ship of war — warship.
  • ship-broker — a person who acts for a shipowner by getting cargo and passengers for his ships and also handling insurance and other matters
  • ship-rigged — (of a sailing vessel) rigged as a ship; full-rigged.
  • ship's boat — a boat for communication between ship and shore
  • shipbuilder — a person whose occupation is the designing or constructing of ship.
  • shipka pass — a mountain pass in central Bulgaria, in the Balkan Mountains. 4375 feet (1335 meters) high.
  • shipwrecked — the destruction or loss of a ship, as by sinking.
  • shoe polish — wax for making footwear shiny
  • shoofly pie — an open pie filled with a sweet crumb and molasses mixture and baked.
  • shop window — storefront display
  • shop-window — a window used for display of merchandise.
  • shopkeeping — a retail merchant or tradesman; a person who owns or operates a small store or shop.
  • shoplifting — to steal (merchandise) as a shoplifter.
  • showjumping — horseriding event
  • showmanship — the skill or ability of a showman.
  • shrink wrap — transparent film for wrapping food
  • shrink-wrap — to wrap and seal (a book, a food product, etc.) in a flexible film of plastic that, when exposed to a heating process, shrinks to the contour of the merchandise.
  • sialography — radiography of salivary glands once they have been injected with a contrast medium
  • sideropenia — a lack of iron in the body
  • siderophile — (of a cell or tissue) having an affinity for iron.
  • sideroscope — an apparatus for detecting splinters of iron or steel in the eye.
  • siege piece — a piece of gold or silver stamped as provisional legal tender in a besieged area.
  • sign-posted — a post bearing a sign that gives information or guidance.
  • signposting — indication by means of signposts
  • silly putty — a rubbery substance of silicone oil and boric acid, used as a plaything: it stretches, snaps apart into pieces, bounces, shapes easily, etc.
  • silverpoint — a technique of drawing with a silver stylus on specially prepared paper.
  • simon peter — Peter (def 1).
  • simple pole — a pole of order 1 of a function of a complex variable.
  • simple time — a metre in music in which each beat or part divides equally into two
  • simple vows — the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience when taken for a limited period
  • simpliciter — simply
  • singaporean — an island on the Strait of Singapore, off the S tip of the Malay Peninsula.
  • single tape — a ribbon of material, usually with a plastic base, coated on one side (single tape) or both sides (double tape) with a substance containing iron oxide, to make it sensitive to impulses from an electromagnet: used to record sound, images, data, etc.
  • single whip — an instrument for striking, as in driving animals or in punishing, typically consisting of a lash or other flexible part with a more rigid handle.
  • single-step — to perform a single instruction on (a program), generally under the control of a debug program
  • sinupallial — (of lamellibranchs) having an impression of the sinus on the pallium
  • siphonogamy — a mode of pollination in which pollen tubes develop to facilitate the passage of male cells to eggs
  • sipunculoid — a member of the group Sipunculoidea
  • sir patrickNorman Bel [bel] /bɛl/ (Show IPA), 1893–1958, U.S. industrial and stage designer and architect.
  • six-pointer — a football match between two teams in similar positions in the league table, considered as being worth six points as it not only gains the winning team three points but denies three points to the losing team
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