
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • preposition — any member of a class of words found in many languages that are used before nouns, pronouns, or other substantives to form phrases functioning as modifiers of verbs, nouns, or adjectives, and that typically express a spatial, temporal, or other relationship, as in, on, by, to, since.
  • prepositive — (of a word) placed before another word to modify it or to show its relation to other parts of the sentence. In red book, red is a prepositive adjective. John's in John's book is a prepositive genitive.
  • preregister — to register in advance
  • presanctify — to sanctify ahead of an event
  • presbycusia — impaired hearing due to old age.
  • presbycusis — the gradual loss of acute hearing with advancing age
  • prescindent — tending to prescind
  • prescission — the action of prescinding
  • presenility — premature old age.
  • presentient — having a presentiment.
  • presolution — the act of solving a problem, question, etc.: The situation is approaching solution.
  • presstitute — a journalist or media source whose news coverage is considered to be inappropriately influenced by business interests, political motives, etc. (often used attributively): claims made by the industry and trumpeted by the corporate presstitute media.
  • pressurized — brought to and maintained at an atmospheric pressure higher than that of the surroundings: cooking with pressurized steam.
  • prestations — a payment in money or in services.
  • prestigious — indicative of or conferring prestige: the most prestigious address in town.
  • prestissimo — (a musical direction) in the most rapid tempo.
  • presumingly — presumptuous.
  • presumption — the act of presuming.
  • presumptive — affording ground for presumption: presumptive evidence.
  • presynaptic — being or occurring on the transmitting end of a discharge across a synapse.
  • pretensions — the laying of a claim to something.
  • pretentious — characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
  • previous to — before, prior to
  • previsional — characteristic of prevision
  • prick-tease — a woman who is sexually provocative but refuses to engage in sexual activity
  • prickly ash — Also called Northern prickly ash, toothache tree. a citrus shrub or small tree, Zanthoxylum americanum, having aromatic leaves and usually prickly branches.
  • priest-hole — a secret chamber in certain houses in England, built as a hiding place for Roman Catholic priests when they were proscribed in the 16th and 17th centuries
  • priestcraft — the training, knowledge, and abilities necessary to a priest.
  • primariness — the state of being primary
  • primateship — primacy (def 2).
  • prime focus — the focal point of the objective lens or primary mirror of a telescope
  • primiparous — a woman who has borne but one child or who is parturient for the first time.
  • primitivism — a recurrent theory or belief, as in philosophy or art, that the qualities of primitive or chronologically early cultures are superior to those of contemporary civilization.
  • prioritised — to arrange or do in order of priority: learning to prioritize our assignments.
  • prison camp — a camp for the confinement of prisoners of war or political prisoners.
  • prison farm — a farm attached to a prison, where prisoners carry out hard labour
  • prison riot — a disturbance made by an unruly mob in a prison
  • prison yard — a piece of enclosed ground attached to a prison, where prisoners may take exercise at certain times
  • privateness — the quality of being private
  • privy purse — a sum from the public revenues allotted to the sovereign for personal expenses.
  • pro-british — of or relating to Great Britain or its inhabitants.
  • pro-chinese — the standard language of China, based on the speech of Beijing; Mandarin.
  • pro-fascist — a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
  • pro-zionist — a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
  • probabilism — Philosophy. the doctrine, introduced by the Skeptics, that certainty is impossible and that probability suffices to govern faith and practice.
  • probusiness — an occupation, profession, or trade: His business is poultry farming.
  • proceedings — a particular action or course or manner of action.
  • processible — capable of being processed.
  • prochronism — a chronological error in which a person, event, etc., is assigned a date earlier than the actual one; prolepsis.
  • proctorship — a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations.
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