
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • providences — a seaport in and the capital of Rhode Island, in the NE part, at the head of Narragansett Bay.
  • provisional — providing or serving for the time being only; existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary: a provisional government.
  • provisioned — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • provisioner — a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso.
  • provostship — the office of a provost
  • proximities — nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, or relation.
  • pruriginous — of, relating to, or causing prurigo.
  • prusik loop — a loop formed with a sliding knot that locks under pressure in which a climber can place his foot in order to stand or ascend a rope
  • prussianism — the militaristic spirit, system, policy, or methods historically associated with the Prussians.
  • prussianize — to make Prussian, as in character, method, organization, etc.
  • psaligraphy — the art of cutting out silhouettes
  • psammophile — a plant or animal that thrives in sand
  • pseudologia — a psychological condition in which a patient tells elaborate, false stories believing them to be true
  • pseudopodia — pseudopod.
  • pseudoprime — A backgammon prime (six consecutive occupied points) with one point missing. This term is an esoteric pun derived from a mathematical method that, rather than determining precisely whether a number is prime (has no divisors), uses a statistical technique to decide whether the number is "probably" prime. A number that passes this test is called a pseudoprime. The hacker backgammon usage stems from the idea that a pseudoprime is almost as good as a prime: it does the job of a prime until proven otherwise, and that probably won't happen.
  • psilomelane — a common mineral consisting of a mixture of pyrolusite and other oxides of manganese, usually found in black, rounded masses: an ore of manganese.
  • psilophytic — (of a plant) that grows well in the dry savannah
  • psittacosis — a rickettsial disease affecting birds of the parrot family, pigeons, and domestic fowl, caused by the chlamydia Chlamydia psittaci and transmissible to humans.
  • psittacotic — of or relating to psittacosis
  • psychedelia — the realm or artifacts of psychedelic drugs, art, writings, or the like.
  • psychedelic — of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of either euphoria or despair.
  • psychiatric — the practice or science of diagnosing and treating mental disorders.
  • psychic bid — a bid designed to mislead one's opponents that is not based on the strength of one's hand or of the suit named but rather on one's feeling that not bidding would be more costly.
  • psychically — of or relating to the human soul or mind; mental (opposed to physical).
  • psychobilly — loud frantic rockabilly music
  • psychodelia — the production of, or the culture associated with, psychedelic experiences
  • psychogenic — having origin in the mind or in a mental condition or process: a psychogenic disorder.
  • psychologic — of or relating to psychology.
  • psychonomic — of or relating to psychonomics
  • psychophily — the pollination of flowers by butterflies
  • psychotoxic — toxic or harmful to the mind or personality.
  • pubic louse — See under louse (def 1).
  • public sale — auction (def 1).
  • publicities — extensive mention in the news media or by word of mouth or other means of communication.
  • publishable — to issue (printed or otherwise reproduced textual or graphic material, computer software, etc.) for sale or distribution to the public.
  • publishings — the activities or business of a publisher, especially of books or periodicals: He plans to go into publishing after college.
  • publishment — publication.
  • puckishness — the state of being puckish
  • puerilities — the state or quality of being a child.
  • pugil stick — a long pole or stick with padded ends used to carry out mock combat.
  • pukka sahib — (in British India) a term of respectful address used to British colonial authorities.
  • pulsatility — pulsating; throbbing.
  • pump prices — petrol prices
  • pumpkinseed — the seed of the pumpkin.
  • pumpstation — A pumpstation is a place with pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another.
  • punctilious — extremely attentive to punctilios; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.
  • punctualist — a person who is concerned with points of conduct
  • punicaceous — of or relating to the family Punicaceae, containing the pomegranates
  • punji stake — a sharp bamboo stake concealed in high grass at an angle so as to gash the feet and legs of enemy soldiers and often coated with excrement so as to cause an infected wound.
  • pupil nurse — a nurse who is still undergoing medical training
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