
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • postorbital — located behind the orbit or socket of the eye.
  • postprimary — of or relating to education after primary school
  • postpyloric — the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
  • postscenium — a wing on either side of the stage of an ancient Greek or Roman theatre where props could be stored and actors could prepare; a parascenium
  • posttension — (in prestressed-concrete construction) to apply tension to (reinforcing strands) after the concrete has set. Compare pretension2 (def 1).
  • posttussive — of or relating to a cough.
  • posttyphoid — occurring as a sequela of typhoid fever.
  • postulating — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • postulation — to ask, demand, or claim.
  • posturizing — to posture; pose.
  • postvocalic — immediately following a vowel.
  • postweaning — of, relating to, or occurring in the period following weaning
  • pot sticker — a pan-fried and steamed Chinese dumpling with a ground meat or vegetable filling.
  • potshotting — the act of taking potshots
  • praenestine — of or relating to the ancient town of Praeneste in Italy, or to the Latin dialect spoken there.
  • praetorship — the office of a praetor.
  • pre-imposed — to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.: to impose taxes.
  • pre-islamic — existing prior to the ascendancy of Islam; pre-Muslim.
  • pre-notions — a preconception.
  • pre-scoring — to record the sound of (a motion picture) before filming.
  • pre-selling — to sell in advance, as before manufacture or construction: to presell a planned house.
  • pre-seminal — released before semen is ejaculated
  • pre-spanish — of or relating to Spain, its people, or their language.
  • pre-testing — an advance or preliminary testing or trial, as of a new product.
  • preachiness — the quality of being preachy; a preachy style, esp a tedious one
  • preadmonish — to admonish or warn beforehand
  • precautious — using or displaying precaution: a precautious reply; a precautious person.
  • precipitous — of the nature of or characterized by precipices: a precipitous wall of rock.
  • preciseness — definitely or strictly stated, defined, or fixed: precise directions.
  • precisional — the state or quality of being precise.
  • predesigned — to prepare the preliminary sketch or the plans for (a work to be executed), especially to plan the form and structure of: to design a new bridge.
  • predestined — to destine in advance; foreordain; predetermine: He seemed predestined for the ministry.
  • prediabetes — a condition in which carbohydrate metabolism is mildly abnormal but other criteria indicating diabetes mellitus are absent.
  • predigested — to treat (food) by an artificial process analogous to digestion so that, when taken into the body, it is more easily digestible.
  • predispatch — to send off or away with speed, as a messenger, telegram, body of troops, etc.
  • predisposal — to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible: Genetic factors may predispose human beings to certain metabolic diseases.
  • predisposed — to give an inclination or tendency to beforehand; make susceptible: Genetic factors may predispose human beings to certain metabolic diseases.
  • predynastic — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, especially the period in Egypt before c3200 b.c.
  • preemphasis — a process of increasing the amplitude of certain frequencies relative to others in a signal in order to help them override noise, complemented by deemphasis before final reproduction of the signal being received.
  • preexistent — to exist beforehand.
  • preexisting — to exist beforehand.
  • prefectship — the position of, or period served as, a prefect
  • prefinished — coated or treated before use or sale: prefinished wood.
  • prehensible — able to be seized or grasped.
  • prehispanic — Spanish.
  • prehistoric — of or relating to the time or a period prior to recorded history: The dinosaur is a prehistoric beast.
  • preinvasion — occurring before an invasion
  • preinvasive — of or relating to a stage preceding invasion of the tissues; in situ.
  • prelateship — the rank of a prelate
  • premiership — the head of the cabinet in France or Italy or certain other countries; first minister; prime minister.
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