
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • physiatrist — a physician specializing in physical medicine.
  • physicalise — to express in physical terms; give form or shape to: The dancers physicalized the mood of the music.
  • physicalism — a doctrine associated with logical positivism and holding that every meaningful statement, other than the necessary statements of logic and mathematics, must refer directly or indirectly to observable properties of spatiotemporal things or events.
  • physicalist — a doctrine associated with logical positivism and holding that every meaningful statement, other than the necessary statements of logic and mathematics, must refer directly or indirectly to observable properties of spatiotemporal things or events.
  • physicality — the physical attributes of a person, especially when overdeveloped or overemphasized.
  • physicalize — to express in physical terms; give form or shape to: The dancers physicalized the mood of the music.
  • physiciancy — the position, job, or office of physician
  • physiognomy — the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  • physiolater — somebody who worships nature
  • physiolatry — the worship of nature
  • physiologic — of or relating to physiology.
  • physiologus — an ancient Greek book containing stories and tales with moral content about real and mythical animals
  • physiometry — measurement of the physiological functions of the body.
  • physitheism — the attribution of physical form to gods and religious beings
  • phytotomist — someone who studies or who is an expert in phytotomy
  • pi-calculus — (theory)   A process algebra in which channel names can act both as transmission medium and as transmitted data. Its basic atomic actions are individual point to point communications which are nondeterministically selected and globally sequentialised.
  • piano music — printed music intended to be played on the piano
  • piano stool — adjustable stool used by pianist
  • piatigorsky — Gregor [greg-er] /ˈgrɛg ər/ (Show IPA), 1903–76, U.S. cellist, born in Russia.
  • picnic site — an attractive place for picnics
  • picturesque — visually charming or quaint, as if resembling or suitable for a painting: a picturesque fishing village.
  • picturising — to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.
  • piebaldness — having patches of black and white or of other colors; parti-colored.
  • piece goods — goods, esp fabrics, made in standard widths and lengths
  • piedmontese — a native or inhabitant of Piedmont, Italy.
  • pierrefonds — a former city in S Quebec, Canada, now part of Montreal.
  • pietersburg — capital of Northern Transvaal province, South Africa: pop. 26,000
  • pigeon post — the use of homing pigeons to carry messages
  • pigsticking — to hunt for wild boar, usually on horseback and using a spear.
  • pill pusher — a medical doctor, especially one who too readily prescribes medication.
  • pill-pusher — a medical doctor, especially one who too readily prescribes medication.
  • pillow sham — an ornamental cover laid over a bed pillow.
  • pillow slip — A pillow slip is the same as a pillowcase.
  • pilot house — an enclosed structure on the deck of a ship from which it can be navigated.
  • pilot raise — a small raise intended to be enlarged later.
  • pilot study — trial done for research
  • pine siskin — a small, North American finch, Carduelis pinus, of coniferous forests, having yellow markings on the wings and tail.
  • pink salmon — a small Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, distinguished by its small scales and long anal fin and by the bright red spawning coloration of males, occurring from California to Alaska and in waters of Japan: fished commercially and for sport.
  • pinkishness — a pinkish quality or colouring
  • pinnatisect — (of a leaf) divided in a pinnate manner.
  • pinocytoses — (of a cell) to take within by means of pinocytosis.
  • pinocytosis — the transport of fluid into a cell by means of local infoldings by the cell membrane so that a tiny vesicle or sac forms around each droplet, which is then taken into the interior of the cytoplasm.
  • pinstriping — a design, as on a fabric or surface, consisting of pinstripes: There's a surcharge if the car has pinstriping.
  • pintsch gas — gas with high illuminating power made from shale oil or petroleum, used in buoys, lighthouses, and railroad cars.
  • pipe smoker — a person who smokes a tobacco pipe
  • piped music — Piped music is recorded music which is played in some supermarkets, restaurants, and other public places.
  • piperaceous — belonging to the Piperacae, the pepper family of plants.
  • pipistrelle — any of numerous insectivorous bats of the genus Pipistrellus, especially P. pipistrellus of Europe and Asia.
  • pirate ship — vessel sailed by sea robbers
  • piscatology — the art or science of fishing.
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