
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • piscatorial — of or relating to fishermen or fishing: a piscatory treaty.
  • piscicolous — (of an organism) living on or in fishes
  • piscivorous — adapted to feeding on fish; fish-eating.
  • pisistratus — c605–527 b.c, tyrant of Athens 560–527 (father of Hipparchus and Hippias).
  • piss around — If you say that someone pisses around or pisses about, you mean they waste a lot of time doing unimportant things.
  • piss artist — a boastful or incompetent person
  • pissasphalt — a sticky semi-liquid form of bitumen that is similar to tar
  • pistol grip — a handle or grip, as of a rifle or saw, shaped like the butt of a pistol.
  • pistol shot — a shot fired from a pistol
  • pistol-whip — to beat or hit (someone) repeatedly with a pistol, especially in the head and shoulder area.
  • piston land — A piston land is a raised area of a piston between piston rings.
  • piston pump — A piston pump is a pump which moves fluid by the movement up and down of a disk or short cylinder inside a tube.
  • piston ring — a metallic ring, usually one of a series, and split so as to be expansible, placed around a piston in order to maintain a tight fit, as inside the cylinder of an engine.
  • piston slap — the characteristic sound of a seriously worn piston in a cylinder (usually of the engine of a motor car)
  • pitchperson — a pitchman or pitchwoman
  • pitt-rivers — Augustus (Henry Lane Fox).1827–1900, British archaeologist; first inspector of ancient monuments (1882): assembled a major anthropological collection of tools and weapons (now in the Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford)
  • pittosporum — any of various shrubs or trees of the genus Pittosporum, native to warm regions of the Old World, many species of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their attractive foliage, flowers, or fruit.
  • plagiarised — to take and use by plagiarism.
  • plagioclase — any of the feldspar minerals varying in composition from acidic albite, NaAlSi 3 O 8 , to basic anorthite, CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8 , found in most igneous rocks: shows twinning striations on good cleavage surfaces.
  • plagiostome — (of fish) belonging to the genus Plagiostomi, which includes sharks and rays, characterized by a transverse mouth with the jaw suspended from the skull
  • plain ascii — /playn-as'kee/ flat ASCII.
  • plainstanes — the pavement or a paved area in a town or city
  • plainstones — the pavement or a paved area in a town or city
  • planisphere — a map of half or more of the celestial sphere with a device for indicating the part of a given location visible at a given time.
  • plasmatical — relating to plasma
  • plasminogen — the blood substance that when activated forms plasmin.
  • plasmolysis — contraction of the protoplasm in a living cell when water is removed by exosmosis.
  • plastic art — an art, as sculpture, in which forms are carved or modeled.
  • plastic bag — carrier bag, sack made of plastic
  • plasticated — covered with a layer of plastic
  • plasticizer — any of a group of substances that are used in plastics or other materials to impart viscosity, flexibility, softness, or other properties to the finished product.
  • plasticware — knives, forks, spoons, cups, etc., made of plastic: a picnic hamper with plasticware for six.
  • plastiqueur — a person, especially a terrorist, who makes, places, or detonates plastic bombs.
  • playstation — (games, hardware)   The leading family of games consoles, from Sony Corporation consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2). The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a DVD reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has USB sockets. The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU.
  • plebeianism — belonging or pertaining to the common people.
  • pleinairism — pertaining to a manner or style of painting developed chiefly in France in the mid-19th century, characterized by the representation of the luminous effects of natural light and atmosphere as contrasted with the artificial light and absence of the sense of air or atmosphere associated with paintings produced in the studio.
  • pleiomerous — (of a flower) having a greater than normal number of parts
  • pleistocene — noting or pertaining to the epoch forming the earlier half of the Quaternary Period, beginning about two million years ago and ending 10,000 years ago, characterized by widespread glacial ice and the advent of modern humans.
  • plenishings — furnishings or equipment
  • pleochroism — the property of certain crystals of exhibiting different colors when viewed from different directions under transmitted light. Compare dichroism (def 1), trichroism.
  • plisetskaya — Maya (Mikhailovna) [mah-yuh myi-khahy-luh v-nuh] /ˈmɑ yə myɪˈxaɪ ləv nə/ (Show IPA), 1925–2015, Soviet ballet dancer.
  • plumigerous — wearing or possessing feathers
  • pluralistic — Philosophy. a theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle. Compare dualism (def 2), monism (def 1a). a theory that reality consists of two or more independent elements.
  • pluriserial — having many series or rows
  • plutologist — a person who has expertise in plutology
  • plutonomist — a person who studies or has expertise in plutonomy
  • plyometrics — a system of exercise in which the muscles are repeatedly stretched and suddenly contracted
  • pneumonitis — inflammation of the lung caused by a virus or exposure to irritating substances.
  • pocket-size — small enough to fit conveniently into one's pocket.
  • pointillism — a theory and technique developed by the neo-impressionists, based on the principle that juxtaposed dots of pure color, as blue and yellow, are optically mixed into the resulting hue, as green, by the viewer.
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