
nuclear winter

nu·cle·ar win·ter
N n


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler win-ter]
    • /ˈnu kli ər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyə lər ˈwɪn tər/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler win-ter]
    • /ˈnu kli ər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyə lər ˈwɪn tər/

Definitions of nuclear winter words

  • noun nuclear winter the general devastation of life, along with worldwide darkness and extreme cold, that some scientists believe would result from a global dust cloud screening out sunlight following large-scale nuclear detonations. 1
  • variable noun nuclear winter Nuclear winter refers to the possible effects on the environment of a war in which large numbers of nuclear weapons are used. It is thought that there would be very low temperatures and very little light during a nuclear winter. 0
  • noun nuclear winter a period of extremely low temperatures and little light that, it has been suggested, would occur as a result of a nuclear war 0
  • noun nuclear winter a hypothetical condition following nuclear war in which light from the sun is cut off by clouds of smoke and dust resulting in very low temperatures and consequent devastation of the environment and loss of life 0

Information block about the term

Origin of nuclear winter

First appearance:

before 1980
One of the 1% newest English words
First recorded in 1980-85

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Nuclear winter


nuclear winter popularity

A pretty common term. Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. About 32% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.
According to our data about 64% of words is more used. This is a rare but used term. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people.

nuclear winter usage trend in Literature

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Synonyms for nuclear winter

noun nuclear winter

  • china syndrome — a hypothetical nuclear-reactor accident in which the fuel would melt through the floor of the containment structure and burrow into the earth.

See also

Matching words

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