
Words starting with nuclearwi

Unfortunately we didn’t found any matching words.
Maybe these words will be useful:
  • nuclear winter — the general devastation of life, along with worldwide darkness and extreme cold, that some scientists believe would result from a global dust cloud screening out sunlight following large-scale nuclear detonations.
  • nuclearisation — Alternative spelling of nuclearization.
  • nuclearise — (Transitive Verb) Alternative spelling of nuclearize.
  • nuclearize — to equip with nuclear weapons; give nuclear capability to: a fear that armed forces on both sides would become nuclearized.
  • nuclearization — to equip with nuclear weapons; give nuclear capability to: a fear that armed forces on both sides would become nuclearized.
  • nuclearism — a political philosophy maintaining that nuclear weapons are the best means of assuring peace and of attaining political goals.
  • nuclear-isomerism — Chemistry. the relation of two or more compounds, radicals, or ions that are composed of the same kinds and numbers of atoms but differ from each other in structural arrangement (structural isomerism) as CH 3 OCH 3 and CH 3 CH 2 OH, or in the arrangement of their atoms in space and therefore in one or more properties. Compare optical isomerism, stereoisomerism.
  • nuclear-free zone — any area in which nuclear weapons, power plants, or materials are not allowed.
  • nuclear-free — A nuclear-free place is a place where nuclear energy or nuclear weapons are forbidden.
  • nuclear testing — the process of carrying out a test on a nuclear weapon to determine effectiveness, etc