
11-letter words containing s, i, p

  • panentheist — someone who believes that God is a part of the universe as well as transcending it
  • panesthesia — total awareness and perception
  • panglossian — characterized by or given to extreme optimism, especially in the face of unrelieved hardship or adversity.
  • panic grass — Also called panic grass. any grass of the genus Panicum, many species of which bear edible grain.
  • panpsychism — a theory that all matter has some form of consciousness.
  • panpsychist — someone who believes that all matter has an element of consciousness
  • panspermist — someone who advocates panspermia
  • pantheistic — the doctrine that God is the transcendent reality of which the material universe and human beings are only manifestations: it involves a denial of God's personality and expresses a tendency to identify God and nature.
  • pantisocrat — someone who believes, or takes part, in pantisocracy
  • pantologist — a systematic view of all human knowledge.
  • pantomimist — a person who acts in pantomime.
  • pantoscopic — showing a wide-angled view
  • papovavirus — any of a group of DNA-containing human and animal viruses, including polyoma viruses and some papillomaviruses, most of which produce tumors.
  • parabaptism — unauthorized baptism
  • parablepsis — abnormal vision
  • parachutist — sb who makes parachute jumps
  • paracrostic — a poem in which the initial letters of each line replicate the first line
  • paragenesis — the origin of minerals or mineral deposits in contact so as to affect one another's formation.
  • paraleipsis — paralipsis.
  • parallelise — to make parallel; place so as to be parallel.
  • parallelism — the position or relation of parallels.
  • parallelist — a person who seeks or makes a comparison.
  • paramastoid — of or relating to the part of the skull next to the mastoid process
  • paraparesis — partial paralysis, especially of the lower limbs.
  • paraphrasis — paraphrase.
  • paraphraxis — the inability to perform purposive movements properly
  • parapsychic — of or relating to actions of the mind for which there are no scientific explanations
  • parasailing — a special parachute, kept open with wing-tip holders to help provide lift, used in parasailing.
  • parascenium — either of two wings flanking and extending forward from the skene of an ancient Greek theater.
  • parascience — the study of subjects that are outside the scope of traditional science because they cannot be explained by accepted scientific theory or tested by conventional scientific methods
  • parasitical — of, relating to, or characteristic of parasites.
  • parasitosis — parasitism (def 3).
  • parasuicide — the deliberate infliction of injury on oneself or the taking of a drug overdose as an attempt at suicide which may not be intended to be successful
  • paratransit — public or group transportation, as by automobile, van, or minibus, organized to relieve the congestion of mass transportation.
  • parenthesis — either or both of a pair of signs () used in writing to mark off an interjected explanatory or qualifying remark, to indicate separate groupings of symbols in mathematics and symbolic logic, etc.
  • paresthesia — an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc.
  • paresthetic — an abnormal sensation, as prickling, itching, etc.
  • paris daisy — marguerite (def 1).
  • paris green — Chemistry. an emerald-green, poisonous, water-insoluble powder produced from arsenic trioxide and copper acetate: used chiefly as a pigment, insecticide, and wood preservative.
  • parish hall — a room or building associated with a parish church, used by the local community for social or charitable activities (though not necessarily religious activities)
  • parish pump — of only local interest; parochial
  • parishioner — one of the community or inhabitants of a parish.
  • paronomasia — the use of a word in different senses or the use of words similar in sound to achieve a specific effect, as humor or a dual meaning; punning.
  • parotiditis — inflammation of a parotid.
  • parrot-fish — any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes, especially of the family Scaridae: so called because of their brilliant coloring and the shape of their jaws.
  • parson bird — tui.
  • partial sum — one of a series of sums of elements of a given sequence, the first sum being the first element, the second sum being the first element added to the second element, the third sum being equal to the sum of the first three elements, and so on.
  • partialness — being such in part only; not total or general; incomplete: partial blindness; a partial payment of a debt.
  • particulars — of or relating to a single or specific person, thing, group, class, occasion, etc., rather than to others or all; special rather than general: one's particular interests in books.
  • partisanism — partisan action or spirit.
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