
All indomitableness synonyms

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noun indomitableness

  • bravery β€” Bravery is brave behaviour or the quality of being brave.
  • boldness β€” not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
  • courage β€” Courage is the quality shown by someone who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be afraid.
  • derring-do β€” Derring-do is the quality of being bold, often in a rather showy or foolish way.
  • determination β€” Determination is the quality that you show when you have decided to do something and you will not let anything stop you.
  • fearlessness β€” without fear; bold or brave; intrepid.
  • firmness β€” not soft or yielding when pressed; comparatively solid, hard, stiff, or rigid: firm ground; firm texture.
  • fortitude β€” mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously: Never once did her fortitude waver during that long illness.
  • gallantry β€” dashing courage; heroic bravery; noble-minded behavior.
  • grit β€” abrasive particles or granules, as of sand or other small, coarse impurities found in the air, food, water, etc.
  • heroism β€” the qualities or attributes of a hero or heroine: He showed great heroism in battle.
  • prowess β€” exceptional valor, bravery, or ability, especially in combat or battle.
  • tenacity β€” the quality of being tenacious, or of holding fast; persistence: the amazing tenacity of rumors.
  • backbone β€” Your backbone is the column of small linked bones down the middle of your back.
  • dash β€” If you dash somewhere, you run or go there quickly and suddenly.
  • defiance β€” Defiance is behaviour or an attitude which shows that you are not willing to obey someone.
  • fight β€” a battle or combat.
  • guts β€” the alimentary canal, especially between the pylorus and the anus, or some portion of it. Compare foregut, midgut, hindgut.
  • hardihood β€” boldness or daring; courage.
  • heart β€” Anatomy. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via the superior and inferior vena cavae, a right ventricle that pumps the blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs for oxygenation, a left atrium that receives the oxygenated blood via the pulmonary veins and passes it through the mitral valve, and a left ventricle that pumps the oxygenated blood, via the aorta, throughout the body.
  • intrepidity β€” resolutely fearless; dauntless: an intrepid explorer.
  • invincibility β€” incapable of being conquered, defeated, or subdued.
  • mettle β€” courage and fortitude: a man of mettle.
  • moxie β€” vigor; verve; pep.
  • nerve β€” one or more bundles of fibers forming part of a system that conveys impulses of sensation, motion, etc., between the brain or spinal cord and other parts of the body.
  • pluck β€” to pull off or out from the place of growth, as fruit, flowers, feathers, etc.: to pluck feathers from a chicken.
  • resolution β€” a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
  • sand β€” George [jawrj;; French zhawrzh] /dΚ’Ι”rdΚ’;; French Κ’Ι”rΚ’/ (Show IPA), (Lucile Aurore Dupin Dudevant) 1804–76, French novelist.
  • spirit β€” the principle of conscious life; the vital principle in humans, animating the body or mediating between body and soul.
  • spunk β€” pluck; spirit; mettle.
  • starch β€” a white, tasteless, solid carbohydrate, (C 6 H 1 0 O 5) n , occurring in the form of minute granules in the seeds, tubers, and other parts of plants, and forming an important constituent of rice, corn, wheat, beans, potatoes, and many other vegetable foods.
  • stomach β€” Anatomy, Zoology. a saclike enlargement of the alimentary canal, as in humans and certain animals, forming an organ for storing, diluting, and digesting food. such an organ or an analogous portion of the alimentary canal when divided into two or more sections or parts. any one of these sections.
  • valiance β€” valiant nature or quality; valor; bravery; courage.
  • valiancy β€” valiant nature or quality; valor; bravery; courage.
  • intestinal fortitude β€” courage; resoluteness; endurance; guts: to have intestinal fortitude.
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