
punctuated equilibrium

punctuated equilibrium
P p


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Definitions of punctuated equilibrium words

  • noun punctuated equilibrium theory of, Biology. a hypothesis holding that the evolution of species proceeds in a characteristic pattern of relative stability for long periods of time interspersed with much shorter periods during which many species become extinct and new species emerge. Also called punctuationalism. Compare gradualism (def 3). 1
  • noun punctuated equilibrium a theory of evolution holding that characteristics of living organisms remain relatively stable for long periods that are infrequently interrupted, or punctuated, by brief periods of relatively rapid evolutionary change, caused as by climatic or geologic changes 0

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Punctuated equilibrium


punctuated equilibrium popularity

This term is known only to a narrow circle of people with rare knowledge. Only 1% of English native speakers know the meaning of this word.
According to our data most of word are more popular. This word is almost not used. It has a much more popular synonym.

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Synonyms for punctuated equilibrium

noun punctuated equilibrium

  • darwinism — the theory of the origin of animal and plant species by evolution through a process of natural selection
  • law of the jungle — a system or mode of action in which the strongest survive, presumably as animals in nature or as human beings whose activity is not regulated by the laws or ethics of civilization.
  • natural law — a principle or body of laws considered as derived from nature, right reason, or religion and as ethically binding in human society.
  • evolutionism — (countable) Any of several theories that explain the evolution of systems or organisms.

See also

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