
knapsack problem

knap·sack prob·lem
K k


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [nap-sak prob-luh m]
    • /ˈnæpˌsæk ˈprɒb ləm/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [nap-sak prob-luh m]
    • /ˈnæpˌsæk ˈprɒb ləm/

Definitions of knapsack problem words

  • noun knapsack problem the problem of determining which numbers from a given collection of numbers have been added together to yield a specific sum: used in cryptography to encipher (and sometimes decipher) messages. 1
  • noun Definition of knapsack problem in Technology (application, mathematics)   Given a set of items, each with a cost and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total cost is less than some given cost and the total value is as large as possible. The 0/1 knapsack problem restricts the number of each items to zero or one. Such constraint satisfaction problems are often solved using dynamic programming. The general knapsack problem is NP-hard, and this has led to attempts to use it as the basis for public-key encryption systems. Several such attempts failed because the knapsack problems they produced were in fact solvable by polynomial-time algorithms. 1

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Knapsack problem


knapsack problem popularity

This term is known only to a narrow circle of people with rare knowledge. Only 2% of English native speakers know the meaning of this word.
According to our data most of word are more popular. This word is almost not used. It has a much more popular synonym.

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