
9-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • phylactic — defending or protecting, especially from disease.
  • physiatry — physical medicine.
  • pia mater — the delicate, fibrous, and highly vascular membrane forming the innermost of the three coverings of the brain and spinal cord. Compare arachnoid (def 6), dura mater.
  • piagetian — of or relating to the theories developed by Jean Piaget.
  • pianistic — relating to, characteristic of, or adaptable for the piano.
  • pianolist — a person who plays the Pianola
  • pickthank — a person who seeks favor by flattery or gossip; sycophant.
  • pictogram — pictograph.
  • pictorial — pertaining to, expressed in, or of the nature of a picture.
  • pie chart — a graphic representation of quantitative information by means of a circle divided into sectors, in which the relative sizes of the areas (or central angles) of the sectors correspond to the relative sizes or proportions of the quantities.
  • pie plant — rhubarb
  • pie plate — a shallow metal or glass dish with sloping sides, used for cooking a pie
  • pig latin — a form of language, used especially by children, that is derived from ordinary English by moving the first consonant or consonant cluster of each word to the end of the word and adding the sound (ā), as in Eakspay igpay atinlay for “Speak Pig Latin.”.
  • pigmental — of or relating to a pigment or pigments, or the natural colouring of a person or thing
  • pignorate — to pledge or pawn
  • pikestaff — the shaft of an infantry pike.
  • pillarist — in the Byzantine era, a Christian ascetic who stayed on top of a high pillar as a form of religious self-denial
  • pin plate — a bearing plate having a projection for fixing into masonry.
  • pink coat — the coat, usually scarlet, of the hunt uniform worn by the staff and by male members of the hunt.
  • pinnation — pinnate condition or formation.
  • pinnulate — having pinnules.
  • pintadera — a decorative stamp, usually made of clay, found in the Neolithic of the E Mediterranean and in many American cultures
  • pintailed — having a tapered tail
  • piracetam — a drug used to improve cognitive powers and memory, used to treat stroke victims and sufferers of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, etc
  • piratical — a person who robs or commits illegal violence at sea or on the shores of the sea.
  • piscatory — of or relating to fishermen or fishing: a piscatory treaty.
  • piscatrix — a female angler; a fisherwoman
  • piss-take — A piss-take is an act of making fun of someone or something.
  • pistachio — the nut of a Eurasian tree, Pistacia vera, of the cashew family, containing an edible, greenish kernel.
  • pistareen — peseta (def 2).
  • pistillar — belonging or relating to a pistil
  • pit grave — a shallow grave hollowed out of a bed of rock or the floor of a tholos.
  • pit scale — any of various small oval-shaped homopterous insects of the family Asterolecaniidae, the female members of which have their bodies embedded in a waxy mass, as in the destructive Cerococcus quercus ((oak wax scale) or (oak scale)) or covered with a waxy film.
  • pituitary — pituitary gland.
  • pivotable — capable of turning on or as if on a pivot
  • pivotally — of, relating to, or serving as a pivot.
  • pixelated — in computer graphics and digital photography, to cause (an image) to break up into pixels, as by overenlarging the image: When enlarging a photograph, first increase the resolution to avoid pixelating it.
  • pixie hat — a hat, usually knitted, that comes to a point
  • pixilated — slightly eccentric or mentally disordered.
  • pizzicato — played by plucking the strings with the finger instead of using the bow, as on a violin.
  • placating — to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures: to placate an outraged citizenry.
  • placation — to appease or pacify, especially by concessions or conciliatory gestures: to placate an outraged citizenry.
  • placative — placatory.
  • placentia — a town in S California.
  • placidity — pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed: placid waters.
  • placitory — of or relating to pleas made to support a claim or a defence
  • plain tex — (publication)   Donald Knuth's original set of user-level macros for interaction with his TeX formatter. Dedicated TeX fans still prefer these over the more user-friendly LaTeX macros used by the majority of the TeX community.
  • plaintext — the intelligible original message of a cryptogram, as opposed to the coded or enciphered version.
  • plaintful — complaining or lamenting
  • plaintiff — a person who brings suit in a court (opposed to defendant).
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