
9-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • pattering — to talk glibly or rapidly, especially with little regard to meaning; chatter.
  • paupiette — bird (def 6).
  • pavarotti — Luciano [loo-chee-ah-noh;; Italian loo-chah-naw] /ˌlu tʃiˈɑ noʊ;; Italian luˈtʃɑ nɔ/ (Show IPA), 1935–2007, Italian operatic tenor.
  • paysagist — a painter of landscapes
  • peacetime — a time or period of peace: a large navy even in peacetime.
  • peak time — prime time.
  • pearlitic — Metallurgy. a microscopic lamellar structure found in iron or steel, composed of alternating layers of ferrite and cementite.
  • pectinate — formed into or having closely parallel, toothlike projections; comblike.
  • pectineal — of or relating to the pectineus muscle or the pubic bone
  • pedantism — pedantry.
  • pedantize — to act as a pedant; to make pedantic comments
  • pedatifid — (of a plant leaf) pedately divided, with the divisions less deep than in a pedate leaf
  • pediatric — the branch of medicine concerned with the development, care, and diseases of babies and children.
  • pegmatite — a coarsely crystalline granite or other high-silica rock occurring in veins or dikes.
  • peirastic — involving an experiment; experimental
  • peltation — having the stalk or support attached to the lower surface at a distance from the margin, as a leaf; shield-shaped.
  • penalties — a punishment imposed or incurred for a violation of law or rule.
  • penultima — the next to the last syllable in a word.
  • pepsinate — to treat, prepare, or mix with pepsin.
  • peptidase — any of the class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of peptides or peptones to amino acids.
  • periaktos — an ancient device used for changing theatre scenery, usually consisting of a revolving triangular prism with different scenes painted on each face; the device was heavily used in the Renaissance
  • periblast — the protoplasm surrounding the blastoderm in meroblastic eggs
  • perinatal — occurring during or pertaining to the phase surrounding the time of birth, from the twentieth week of gestation to the twenty-eighth day of newborn life.
  • periodate — a salt of a periodic acid, as sodium periodate, Na 2 H 3 IO 6 .
  • peripatus — any of a genus of wormlike arthropods having a segmented body and short unjointed limbs: belonging to the phylum Onychophora
  • periplast — the hard and plated cell wall of a single-celled organism
  • peronista — Peronist.
  • pertained — to have reference or relation; relate: documents pertaining to the lawsuit.
  • petaurine — relating to a petaurist
  • petechiae — a minute, round, nonraised hemorrhage in the skin or in a mucous or serous membrane.
  • petechial — pertaining to, resembling, or characterized by petechiae.
  • petillant — slightly sparkling.
  • petiolate — having a petiole or peduncle.
  • petit mal — a disorder of the nervous system, characterized either by mild, episodic loss of attention or sleepiness (petit mal) or by severe convulsions with loss of consciousness (grand mal)
  • petrosian — Tigran (tiɡˈran). 1929–84, Soviet chess player; world champion (1963–69)
  • petticoat — slip worn under a skirt
  • phacolite — a colorless variety of chabazite.
  • phacolith — a layer of igneous rock, which has the structure of a lens, and which occurs in an invasive position in sedimentary rock
  • phanerite — any igneous rock whose grains are visible to the naked eye.
  • phenacite — a rare vitreous mineral, beryllium silicate, Be 2 SiO 4 , occurring in crystals, sometimes used as a gem.
  • phenakite — a very hard, glassy, rhombohedral mineral, Be2SiO4, of various colors, sometimes used as a gem; beryllium silicate
  • phil katz — (person)   The founder of PKWARE, Inc..
  • philately — the collecting of stamps and other postal matter as a hobby or an investment.
  • philistia — an ancient country on the E coast of the Mediterranean.
  • philomath — a person who enjoys learning new facts and acquiring new knowledge
  • pholidota — the order comprising the pangolins.
  • phonation — rapid, periodic opening and closing of the glottis through separation and apposition of the vocal cords that, accompanied by breath under lung pressure, constitutes a source of vocal sound.
  • photalgia — pain, as in an eye, that is caused by intensity of light.
  • photopsia — a rare disease of the eye's retina that results in the perception of flashes of light
  • phthalein — any of a group of compounds formed by treating phthalic anhydride with phenols, from which certain important dyes are derived.
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