
9-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • rapturize — to go into ecstasies or raptures
  • reappoint — to name or assign to a position, an office, or the like; designate: to appoint a new treasurer; to appoint a judge to the bench.
  • rebaptize — to baptize again
  • recaption — the taking back without violence of one's property or a member of one's family or household unlawfully in the possession or custody of another.
  • redtapism — excessive formality and routine required before official action can be taken.
  • reimplant — Surgery. to restore (a tooth, organ, limb, or other structure) to its original site.
  • repeating — repeating or saying again
  • replicant — an android that is indistinguishable from a human being
  • replicate — Also, replicated. folded; bent back on itself.
  • reptation — a creeping motion; the act of crawling
  • reptilian — belonging or pertaining to the Reptilia.
  • repudiate — to reject as having no authority or binding force: to repudiate a claim.
  • rhapontic — a type of rhubarb
  • rhipidate — shaped like a fan
  • rip apart — If something rips people apart, it causes them to quarrel or fight so seriously that they can no longer be friends.
  • road trip — journey in a car, bus, etc.
  • sahaptian — a family of North American Indian languages consisting of Sahaptin and Nez Percé
  • saintship — the qualities or status of a saint.
  • saprolite — soft, disintegrated, usually more or less decomposed rock remaining in its original place.
  • sarcoptic — related to or caused by itch-mites that cause mange in animals
  • scapolite — any of a group of minerals of variable composition, essentially silicates of aluminum, calcium, and sodium, occurring as massive aggregates or tetragonal crystals.
  • sceptical — inclined to skepticism; having an attitude of doubt: a skeptical young woman who will question whatever you say.
  • septarian — a concretionary nodule or mass, usually of calcium carbonate or of argillaceous carbonate of iron, traversed within by a network of cracks filled with calcite and other minerals.
  • septarium — a concretionary nodule or mass, usually of calcium carbonate or of argillaceous carbonate of iron, traversed within by a network of cracks filled with calcite and other minerals.
  • septation — a division between cavities or parts of an organism by partitions or septa
  • septimana — a week.
  • simpatico — congenial or like-minded; likable: I find our new neighbor simpatico in every respect.
  • siphonate — (of molluscs) having a syphon
  • skeptical — doubtful about a particular thing: My teacher thinks I can get a scholarship, but I'm skeptical.
  • ski pants — pants worn for skiing, having the legs tapered to fit snugly at the ankles and sometimes having a strap going under the arch, often made of a stretch or waterproof fabric.
  • slapstick — broad comedy characterized by boisterous action, as the throwing of pies in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious farcical situations and jokes.
  • slip seat — an upholstered seat having its own frame that fits loosely into the frame of a chair.
  • snake pit — a mental hospital marked by squalor and inhumane or indifferent care for the patients.
  • sociopath — a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
  • spacesuit — a sealed and pressurized suit designed to allow the wearer to leave a pressurized cabin in outer space or at extremely high altitudes within the atmosphere.
  • spaghetti — a white, starchy pasta of Italian origin that is made in the form of long strings, boiled, and served with any of a variety of meat, tomato, or other sauces.
  • spagyrist — an alchemist
  • spartanic — (usually lowercase) suggestive of the ancient Spartans; sternly disciplined and rigorously simple, frugal, or austere.
  • sparteine — a bitter, poisonous, liquid alkaloid obtained from certain species of broom, especially Cytisus scoparius, used in medicine to stimulate the heart and also the uterine muscles in childbirth.
  • sparterie — things made from esparto
  • spartiate — a member of the ruling class of ancient Laconia; a Spartan citizen. Compare Helot (def 1), Perioeci.
  • sparticle — a hypothetical elementary particle thought to have been produced in the Big Bang
  • spasmatic — given to spasms
  • spatially — of or relating to space.
  • spearmint — an aromatic herb, Mentha spicata, having lance-shaped leaves used for flavoring.
  • specialty — a special or distinctive quality, mark, state, or condition.
  • spermatia — Botany. the nonmotile male gamete of a red alga.
  • spermatic — of, relating to, or resembling sperm; seminal; generative.
  • spermatid — Cell Biology. one of the cells that result from the meiotic divisions of a spermatocyte and mature into spermatozoa.
  • sphaerite — an aluminium phosphate
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