
9-letter words containing t, i, p, a

  • p/e ratio — price-to-earnings ratio
  • pack into — If someone packs a lot of something into a limited space or time, they fit a lot into it.
  • packtrain — a line or succession of pack animals, as mules or burros, used to transport food and supplies over terrain unsuitable for wagons or other vehicles.
  • pactional — relating to an agreement or a bargain
  • paedeutic — of or relating to the study of teaching
  • paediatry — the branch of medical science concerned with children and their diseases
  • paginated — to indicate the sequence of pages in (a book, manuscript, etc.) by placing numbers or other characters on each leaf; to number the pages of.
  • paillette — a spangle for ornamenting a costume.
  • paint gun — an air gun that fires paint capsules, as used in paintballing
  • paint out — to cover up with or as with a coat of paint
  • paint pot — Also, paintpot. a container, as a jar, pail, or bucket, for holding paint while it is being applied.
  • paintable — easily painted
  • paintball — a game in which players mark their opponents with colored gelatin capsules shot out of an air gun.
  • painterly — of, relating to, or characteristic of a painter.
  • paintress — a female painter
  • paintwork — layer of paint on wall or vehicle
  • pakistani — a native or inhabitant of Pakistan.
  • palafitte — a prehistoric dwelling
  • paleolith — a paleolithic stone implement.
  • palestine — Also called Holy Land. Biblical name Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean.
  • palleting — a small, low, portable platform on which goods are placed for storage or moving, as in a warehouse or vehicle.
  • palletize — to place (materials) upon pallets for handling or moving.
  • palmation — a palmate state or formation.
  • palmister — a person telling fortunes by reading palms
  • palmistry — the art or practice of telling fortunes and interpreting character from the lines and configurations of the palm of a person's hand.
  • palmitate — a salt or ester of palmitic acid.
  • palpation — to examine by touch, especially for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness.
  • palpitant — affected or characterized by palpitation.
  • palpitate — to pulsate with unusual rapidity from exertion, emotion, disease, etc.; flutter: His heart palpitated wildly.
  • pampootie — a rawhide slipper worn by men in the Aran Islands
  • pandation — the action of warping under weight
  • panellist — A panellist is a person who is a member of a panel and speaks in public, especially on a radio or television programme.
  • panetiere — a small, decorative livery cupboard, made especially in Provence in the 18th century.
  • panmictic — random mating of individuals within a population, the breeding individuals showing no tendency to choose partners with particular traits.
  • panoistic — (of insects) producing ova without cells to nurse them
  • pant suit — women's shirt and trousers
  • pantheism — the doctrine that God is the transcendent reality of which the material universe and human beings are only manifestations: it involves a denial of God's personality and expresses a tendency to identify God and nature.
  • pantheist — the doctrine that God is the transcendent reality of which the material universe and human beings are only manifestations: it involves a denial of God's personality and expresses a tendency to identify God and nature.
  • pantihose — (used with a plural verb) a one-piece, skintight garment worn by women, combining panties and stockings.
  • pantingly — eagerly
  • pantomime — the art or technique of conveying emotions, actions, feelings, etc., by gestures without speech.
  • pantropic — (especially of viruses) attracted to or affecting many types of body tissues.
  • panzootic — a disease that affects all the animals in a geographical area
  • papeterie — a box for holding stationery, especially an ornamental one.
  • papillote — a decorative curled paper placed over the end of the bone of a cutlet or chop.
  • paralytic — a person affected with paralysis.
  • parasitic — of, relating to, or characteristic of parasites.
  • parataxic — of or characterized by emotional maladjustment.
  • parataxis — the placing together of sentences, clauses, or phrases without a conjunctive word or words, as Hurry up, it is getting late! I came—I saw—I conquered.
  • parathion — a deep-brown to yellow, poisonous liquid, C 1 0 H 1 4 NO 5 PS, used as an insecticide.
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