
All make a stand synonyms

make a stand
M m

verb make a stand

  • dispute β€” to engage in argument or debate.
  • deal with β€” When you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them.
  • try β€” to attempt to do or accomplish: Try it before you say it's simple.
  • claim β€” If you say that someone claims that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not sure whether or not they are telling the truth.
  • confront β€” If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.
  • defy β€” If you defy someone or something that is trying to make you behave in a particular way, you refuse to obey them and behave in that way.
  • impose β€” to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled, paid, etc.: to impose taxes.
  • denounce β€” If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.
  • assert β€” If someone asserts a fact or belief, they state it firmly.
  • demand β€” If one thing demands another, the first needs the second in order to happen or be dealt with successfully.
  • test β€” Zoology. the hard, protective shell or covering of certain invertebrates, as echinoderms or tunicates.
  • require β€” to have need of; need: He requires medical care.
  • call for β€” If you call for someone, you go to the building where they are, so that you can both go somewhere.
  • ask for β€” to try to obtain by requesting
  • risk β€” exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance: It's not worth the risk.
  • challenge β€” A challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
  • fight β€” a battle or combat.
  • oppose β€” to act against or provide resistance to; combat.
  • take β€” to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write.
  • allow β€” If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble.
  • meet β€” greatest lower bound
  • suffer β€” to undergo or feel pain or distress: The patient is still suffering.
  • deal with β€” When you deal with something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them.
  • run into β€” to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step all or both feet are off the ground.
  • impugn β€” to challenge as false (another's statements, motives, etc.); cast doubt upon.
  • brave β€” Someone who is brave is willing to do things which are dangerous, and does not show fear in difficult or dangerous situations.
  • vindicate β€” to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like: to vindicate someone's honor.
  • inquire β€” to seek information by questioning; ask: to inquire about a person.
  • tax β€” a tax levied according to the value of the property, merchandise, etc., being taxed.
  • cross β€” If you cross something such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If you cross to a place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place.
  • impeach β€” to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.
  • summon β€” to call upon to do something specified.
  • accost β€” If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.
  • investigate β€” to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail.
  • arouse β€” If something arouses a particular reaction or attitude in people, it causes them to have that reaction or attitude.
  • reclaim β€” to claim or demand the return or restoration of, as a right, possession, etc.
  • query β€” a question; an inquiry.
  • provoke β€” to anger, enrage, exasperate, or vex.
  • stimulate β€” to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite: to stimulate his interest in mathematics.
  • dare β€” If you do not dare to do something, you do not have enough courage to do it, or you do not want to do it because you fear the consequences. If you dare to do something, you do something which requires a lot of courage.
  • beard β€” A man's beard is the hair that grows on his chin and cheeks.
  • withstand β€” to stand or hold out against; resist or oppose, especially successfully: to withstand rust; to withstand the invaders; to withstand temptation.
  • resist β€” to withstand, strive against, or oppose: to resist infection; to resist temptation.
  • abide β€” to tolerate; put up with
  • contend β€” If you have to contend with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.
  • court β€” A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate.
  • brook β€” to bear; tolerate
  • submit β€” to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  • sustain β€” to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure.
  • brace β€” If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult, you prepare yourself for it.
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