
14-letter words containing e

  • free-range egg — an egg produced by a bird kept in natural nonintensive conditions
  • freeboard deck — (on a cargo vessel) the uppermost deck officially considered to be watertight: used as the level from which the Plimsoll marks are measured.
  • freedom riders — (especially in the 1960s) a bus trip made to parts of the southern U.S. by persons engaging in efforts to integrate racially segregated public facilities.
  • freehandedness — The quality or state of being freehanded.
  • freewheelingly — In a freewheeling manner; without constraint.
  • freeze (on) to — to cling to; hold fast to
  • freezer centre — a store that specializes in selling freezers
  • freezing point — the temperature at which a liquid freezes: The freezing point of water is 32°F, 0°C.
  • freezing works — a slaughterhouse at which animal carcasses are frozen for export
  • frege, gottlob — Gottlob Frege
  • freight engine — a locomotive for pulling freight trains, designed for high drawbar pull rather than high speed.
  • french academy — an association of 40 scholars and men and women of letters, established in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu and devoted chiefly to preserving the purity of the French language and establishing standards of proper usage.
  • french bulldog — one of a French breed of small, bat-eared dogs having a large, square head, a short tail, and a short, sleek coat.
  • french cricket — a child's game resembling cricket, in which the batsman's legs are used as the wicket
  • french cruller — cruller (def 2).
  • french morocco — French Maroc. Spanish Marruecos. a kingdom in NW Africa: formed from a sultanate that was divided into two protectorates (French Morocco and Spanish Morocco) and an international zone. 172,104 sq. mi. (445,749 sq. km). Capital: Rabat. Compare Tangier Zone.
  • french mustard — a mild mustard paste made with vinegar rather than water
  • french oceania — former name of French Polynesia.
  • french pancake — a thin, light pancake, usually served with a sweet or savory filling.
  • french paradox — the theory that the lower incidence of heart disease in Mediterranean countries compared to that in the US is a consequence of the larger intake of flavonoids from red wine in these countries
  • french tickler — a condom designed with knobs, projections, etc.
  • french windows — a pair of casement windows extending to the floor and serving as portals, especially from a room to an outside porch or terrace.
  • french-cruller — a rich, light cake cut from a rolled dough and deep-fried, usually having a twisted oblong shape and sometimes topped with sugar or icing.
  • frenet formula — one of a set of formulas for finding the curvature and torsion of a plane or space curve in terms of vectors tangent or normal to the curve.
  • frenkel defect — a crystal defect in which a lattice ion has moved to an interstitial position leaving a vacant lattice site
  • frequency band — band2 (def 9).
  • frequent flier — an airline passenger registered with a program that provides bonuses, as upgrades or free flights, based especially on distance traveled.
  • frequent flyer — a person who regularly makes air journeys
  • frequent-flier — designating or related to a program in which an airline awards points to customers for miles flown or for other approved expenditures and then redeems them for free air travel when sufficient points have been accumulated
  • fresh out (of) — having just sold or used up the last one or part (of)
  • freshers' week — a week at the beginning of a university year, usually with a programme of events intended to welcome new first-year students
  • freshness date — the last date, usually specified on the label or packaging, that a food, as bread, is considered fresh, although it may be sold, ordinarily at reduced prices, or eaten after that date.
  • freshwater eel — any of a family (Anguillidae) of eels that live in streams, lakes, etc. and migrate to the sea to spawn
  • friar preacher — a Dominican friar.
  • friction drive — a power transmission system utilizing a set of friction gears so arranged that varying their positions relative to one another gives a wide range of speed ratios.
  • friction layer — the atmospheric layer extending up to about 600 m, in which the aerodynamic effects of surface friction are appreciable
  • frictionlessly — In a frictionless way; without friction.
  • friday prayers — the congregational prayers observed by Muslims every Friday
  • fridge-freezer — a domestic electrical appliance which comprises a fridge and a freezer compartment
  • friendiversary — the yearly recurrence of the date that two or more people first became friends: Next Thursday is our third friendiversary!
  • friendlessness — The state or condition of being friendless; lack of friends.
  • friendly match — a match played for its own sake, and not as part of a competition, etc
  • frilled lizard — a medium-sized Australian lizard, Chlamydosaurus kingi, having a large, cloaklike flap of skin on the neck that stiffens during courtship or threat displays, forming a wide ruff.
  • fringe benefit — any of various benefits, as free life or health insurance, paid holidays, a pension, etc., received by an employee in addition to regular pay.
  • fringe meeting — a meeting that takes place during a convention and is attended only by people whose views are not central to the majority
  • fringe theatre — theatrical performance that is unconventional or otherwise distinct from the mainstream
  • fringed orchis — any of several American orchids of the genus Habenaria, having a cut, fringed lip.
  • frolicsomeness — The quality of being frolicsome; playfulness.
  • from the first — From the first means ever since something started.
  • from the floor — during the time of a game when active defense is permitted
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