
14-letter words containing e

  • galley kitchen — a household kitchen designed with kitchen units on both sides and no kitchen table
  • galvanocautery — a cautery heated by a galvanic current.
  • galvanotherapy — treatment employing electric current.
  • galveston plan — commission plan.
  • gambling debts — debts acquired as a result of money spent gambling
  • gambling house — a building for gambling, especially for a large number of betting games.
  • game of chance — a game in which the outcome is determined by chance rather than by the skill of its players, as roulette.
  • game show host — a broadcaster who reads the questions or conducts a game show
  • games mistress — a woman who teaches games and sports in a school
  • gamine haircut — a boyish or elfish hairstyle, esp on a woman
  • gaming licence — a licence that allows an establishment, business, club, etc, to offer games that can be played for money
  • gaming machine — for gambling
  • gamma-carotene — one of the forms of the pigment carotene
  • ganglionectomy — the excision of a ganglion.
  • garcia marquez — Gabriel [gey-bree-uh l,, gah-bree-el;; Spanish gah-vree-el] /ˈgeɪ bri əl,, ˌgɑ briˈɛl;; Spanish ˌgɑ vriˈɛl/ (Show IPA), 1927–2014, Colombian novelist and short-story writer: Nobel Prize 1982.
  • garden of eden — Eden1
  • garden produce — cultivated or farm-produced goods, such as fruit and vegetables
  • garden rubbish — organic refuse generated by gardening
  • garden variety — common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • garden warbler — any of several small brownish-grey European songbirds of the genus Sylvia (warblers), esp S. borin, common in woods and hedges: in some parts of Europe they are esteemed as a delicacy
  • garden webworm — the larva of any of several moths, as Hyphantria cunea (fall webworm) or Loxostege similalis (garden webworm) which spins a web over the foliage on which it feeds.
  • garden-variety — common, usual, or ordinary; unexceptional.
  • garlic crusher — a kitchen implement used to crush cloves of garlic
  • garlic sausage — sausage meat flavoured with garlic
  • garrison house — a style of early New England house in which the second floor projects beyond the first.
  • garrison state — a state in which military matters dominate economic and political life.
  • gascoyne-cecil — Robert Arthur Talbot [tawl-buh t] /ˈtɔl bət/ (Show IPA), 3rd Marquis of Salisbury, Salisbury (def 1).
  • gastric lavage — the washing out of the stomach; lavage.
  • gastroduodenal — of or relating to the stomach and the duodenum
  • gate-leg table — a table having drop leaves supported by gate legs.
  • gaudi i cornet — Antoni [ahn-taw-nee] /ɑnˈtɔ ni/ (Show IPA), 1852–1926, Spanish architect and designer.
  • gaussian curve — normal curve.
  • gaussian image — the point in an optical system with spherical aberration at which the paraxial rays meet.
  • gavel-to-gavel — from the opening to the closing of a formal session or series of sessions: gavel-to-gavel television coverage of the Congressional hearing.
  • gay liberation — a political and social movement to combat legal and social discrimination against homosexuals.
  • geiger counter — an instrument for detecting ionizing radiations, consisting of a gas-filled tube in which electric-current pulses are produced when the gas is ionized by radiation, and of a device to register these pulses: used chiefly to measure radioactivity.
  • gelatification — the process of gelatinizing.
  • gelatiniferous — Yielding gelatine on boiling with water; capable of gelatination.
  • gelatinisation — Alternative spelling of gelatinization.
  • gelatinization — to make gelatinous.
  • gemuetlichkeit — warm cordiality; comfortable friendliness; congeniality.
  • gender studies — subject: male and female roles
  • gender-bending — Informal. one, as a cross-dresser, that blurs differences between the sexes.
  • gender-neutral — noting or relating to a word or phrase that does not refer to one gender only: Firefighter and flight attendant are gender-neutral terms.
  • gender-variant — noting or relating to a person whose gender identity or gender expression does not conform to socially defined male or female gender norms: Don't call him a sissy; he's just a teenager with gender-variant behavior. Are metrosexuals part of the gender-variant community?
  • genderlessness — The state or condition of being genderless; lack of gender.
  • gene frequency — the frequency of occurrence of a particular allele in a population
  • genealogically — Using genealogical methods.
  • general degree — a degree awarded at some universities, studied at a lower academic standard than an honours degree
  • general ledger — records, accounts
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