
17-letter words containing y, n

  • energy conversion — the process of changing one form of energy into another, such as nuclear energy into heat or solar energy into electrical energy
  • energy efficiency — a measure of how efficiently an appliance, building, organization or country uses energy
  • entrepreneurially — In an entrepreneurial manner.
  • entry examination — the examination people wishing to enter an organization, university, etc, have to take
  • enzyme deficiency — failure of the body to produce a specific enzy
  • equal opportunity — policies that bar discrimination
  • escaping tendency — a property of a gas, related to its partial pressure, that expresses its tendency to escape or expand, given by d(log ef) = dμ/ RT, where μ is the chemical potential, R the gas constant, and T the thermodynamic temperature
  • ethinyloestradiol — Alternative form of ethinylestradiol.
  • ethnopharmacology — The scientific study correlating ethnic groups, their health, and how it relates to their physical habits and methodology in creating and using medicines.
  • ethylmethylketone — (organic compound) The industrial solvent butanone.
  • eupen and malmédy — a region of Belgium in Liège province: ceded by Germany in 1919. Pop: 29 372 (2004 est)
  • excess employment — excessive numbers of employees for the amount of work available
  • exclusionary rule — a legal rule that evidence obtained illegally, as from a search without a warrant, may not be introduced at trial
  • extraordinary ray — the plane-polarized ray of light that does not obey the laws of refraction in a doubly refracting crystal
  • factory inspector — a person who inspects factories
  • fancy dress party — a party at which the guests wear fancy dress
  • farming community — a community where farming is the main industry
  • fee-paying school — a school which charges fees to parents of pupils
  • fellow countryman — sb of same nationality
  • ferrimagnetically — In a ferrimagnetic manner.
  • field penny-cress — the common penny-cress, Thlaspi arvense.
  • firehose syndrome — (networking, jargon)   An absence, failure or inadequacy of flow control mechanisms causing the sender to overwhelm the receiver. The implication is that, like trying to drink from a firehose, the consequenses are worse than just loss of data, e.g. the receiver may crash. See ping-flood.
  • floating currency — a currency that is free to fluctuate against other currencies in accordance with market forces
  • floating dry dock — a dock that floats and can be lowered in the water for the entrance of a ship, and then raised for use as a dry dock
  • footmen's gallery — the rearmost section of seats in the balcony of an English theater, especially in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.
  • for love or money — If you cannot or will not do something for love or money, you are completely unable to do it or you do not intend to do it.
  • forcing frequency — the frequency of an oscillating force applied to a system
  • foreign secretary — foreign minister.
  • forever and a day — without ever ending; eternally: to last forever.
  • fountain of youth — a fabled spring whose waters were supposed to restore health and youth, sought in the Bahamas and Florida by Ponce de León, Narváez, De Soto, and others.
  • four-part harmony — harmony in which each chord has four tones, creating, in sum, four melodic lines.
  • fraternal society — a club or other association, usually of men, having a limited membership and devoted to professional, religious, charitable, or social activities.
  • frequency polygon — a frequency curve consisting of connected line segments formed by joining the midpoints of the upper edges of the rectangles in a histogram whose class intervals are of uniform length.
  • friend of dorothy — a male homosexual
  • front-end payment — a payment required or incurred in advance of a project in order to get it under way
  • front-line player — a regular player on a sports team or one who plays in the farthest forward position
  • funicular railway — a short, very steep railway having two parallel sets of tracks, upon each of which runs a car or train raised or lowered by means of a cable that simultaneously lowers or raises the other car or train in such a way that the two are approximately counterbalanced.
  • fuzzy-wuzzy angel — any native of Papua New Guinea who assisted as a stretcher-bearer in World War II
  • game as ned kelly — extremely brave; indomitable
  • garden strawberry — a plant which has white flowers and red edible fruits and is spread by runners, Fragaria ananassa
  • garlic mayonnaise — mayonnaise flavoured with garlic
  • gastroenterostomy — the making of a new passage between the stomach and the duodenum (gastroduodenostomy) or, especially, the jejunum (gastrojejunostomy)
  • gastrojejunostomy — See under gastroenterostomy.
  • general paralysis — a syphilitic brain disorder characterized by chronic inflammation and degeneration of cerebral tissue resulting in mental and physical deterioration.
  • general secretary — the chief administrator of an organization
  • geothermal energy — Geothermal energy is energy from temperature differences inside the earth's crust.
  • gibbs free energy — the thermodynamic function of a system that is equal to its enthalpy minus the product of its absolute temperture and entropy: a decrease in the function is equal to the maximum amount of work available exclusive of that due to pressure times volume change during a reversible, isothermal, isobaric process.
  • glastonbury chair — a folding chair having legs crossed front-to-back and having arms connected to the back and to the front seat rail.
  • glory-of-the-snow — any of several plants belonging to the genus Chionodoxa, of the lily family, native to the Old World, having showy, blue, white, or pink flowers that bloom early in the spring.
  • glycosaminoglycan — any of a class of polysaccharides derived from hexosamine that form mucins when complexed with proteins: formerly called mucopolysaccharide.
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