
17-letter words containing y, n

  • budgetary control — a system of managing a business by applying a financial value to each forecast activity. Actual performance is subsequently compared with the estimates
  • building industry — the economic sector comprising all companies involved in construction
  • bull's-eye window — bull's-eye (def 7).
  • butterfly bandage — a butterfly-shaped strip of adhesive medical tape used, when stitches are not required, to keep a deep cut or incision tightly closed while it heals
  • buyers' inflation — inflation in which rising demand results in a rise in prices.
  • by return of post — by the next mail in the opposite direction
  • by the same token — You use by the same token to introduce a statement that you think is true for the same reasons that were given for a previous statement.
  • cache consistency — cache coherency
  • calcium cyanamide — a white crystalline compound formed by heating calcium carbide with nitrogen. It is important in the fixation of nitrogen and can be hydrolysed to ammonia or used as a fertilizer. Formula: CaCN2
  • call-by-reference — (programming)   An argument passing convention where the address of an argument variable is passed to a function or procedure, as opposed to passing the value of the argument expression. Execution of the function or procedure may have side-effects on the actual argument as seen by the caller. The C language's "&" (address of) and "*" (dereference) operators allow the programmer to code explicit call-by-reference. Other languages provide special syntax to declare reference arguments (e.g. ALGOL 60). See also call-by-name, call-by-value, call-by-value-result.
  • campus university — a university in which the buildings, often including shops and cafés, are all on one site
  • canarybird flower — a nasturtium, Tropaeolum peregrinum, of Peru, having round, deeply lobed leaves and yellow flowers.
  • capacity audience — a situation when the maximum number of people possible are watching an event
  • carbonyl chloride — phosgene
  • carboxyhemoglobin — a compound formed in the blood when carbon monoxide occupies the positions on the hemoglobin molecule normally taken by oxygen, resulting in cellular oxygen starvation
  • carrying capacity — the maximum number of individuals that an area of land can support, usually determined by their food requirements
  • cast/run your eye — If you cast your eye or run your eye over something, you look at it or read it quickly.
  • celebrity wedding — a wedding of famous people, usually reported at length in celebrity magazines
  • center of gravity — The center of gravity of an object is a point in it. If this point is above the base of the object, it stays stable, rather than falling over.
  • centre of gravity — The centre of gravity of an object is a point in it. If this point is above the base of the object, it stays stable, rather than falling over.
  • chadless keypunch — (hardware)   A card punch which cut little U-shapes in punched cards, rather than punching out a circle or rectangle. The U's made a hole when folded back. One of the Jargon File's correspondents believed that the term "chad" derived from the Chadless keypunch. Obviously, if the Chadless keypunch didn't make them, then the stuff that other keypunches made had to be "chad". The assertion that the keypunch was named after its inventor is not supported by any record in US or UK patents or surname references.
  • chancery division — (in England) the Lord Chancellor's court, now a division of the High Court of Justice
  • charles henry dowCharles Henry, 1851–1902, U.S. journalist and publisher: a founder of Dow Jones company.
  • chartered company — a company formed for the purpose of exploration and colonization
  • child pornography — pornography using a child or children as the subject.
  • chincoteague pony — a wild pony found on certain islands off the Virginia coast, apparently descended from Moorish ponies shipwrecked in this vicinity in the 16th century.
  • chlortetracycline — an antibiotic used in treating many bacterial and rickettsial infections: obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces aureofaciens. Formula: C22H23ClN2O8
  • chronographically — a timepiece fitted with a recording device, as a stylus and rotating drum, used to mark the exact instant of an occurrence, especially in astronomy.
  • cinnamic aldehyde — a yellowish oil, C 9 H 8 O, having a cinnamonlike odor, used chiefly as a scent in the manufacture of flavorings and perfumes.
  • circumlocutionary — a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea.
  • circumstantiality — the quality of being circumstantial
  • clinical efficacy — Clinical efficacy is a measure of how well a treatment succeeds in achieving its aim.
  • cognitive therapy — a form of psychotherapy in which the patient is encouraged to change the way he or sees the world and himself or herself: used particularly to treat depression
  • collection agency — A collection agency is an organization that obtains payments from people who owe money to others.
  • collision density — the rate at which collisions are occurring per unit volume per unit time, usually pertaining to the collisions of neutrons in a nuclear reactor.
  • combinatory logic — (logic)   A system for reducing the operational notation of logic, mathematics or a functional language to a sequence of modifications to the input data structure. First introduced in the 1920's by Schoenfinkel. Re-introduced independently by Haskell Curry in the late 1920's (who quickly learned of Schoenfinkel's work after he had the idea). Curry is really responsible for most of the development, at least up until work with Feys in 1958. See combinator.
  • comedy of manners — a comedy dealing with the way of life and foibles of a social group
  • comity of nations — the friendly recognition accorded by one nation to the laws and usages of another
  • commercial agency — a concern that investigates for the benefit of its subscribers the financial standing, reputation, and credit rating of individuals, firms, corporations, or others.
  • common of turbary — (in England) the legal right to cut peat for fuel on a common
  • community college — A community college is a local college where students from the surrounding area can take courses in practical or academic subjects.
  • community council — (in Scotland and Wales) an independent voluntary local body set up to attend to local interests and organize community activities
  • community service — Community service is unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison.
  • community singing — singing, esp of hymns, by a large gathering of people
  • company commander — the commander of a company of soldiers
  • company secretary — A company secretary is a person whose job within a company is to keep the legal affairs, accounts, and administration in order.
  • complementary dna — a form of DNA artificially synthesized from a messenger RNA template and used in genetic engineering to produce gene clones
  • comprehensibility — capable of being comprehended or understood; intelligible.
  • configurationally — With regard to a configuration.
  • confrontationally — In a confrontational way.
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