
17-letter words containing y, n

  • anticompetitively — In an anticompetitive manner.
  • antifederal party — the party that, before 1789, opposed the adoption of the proposed Constitution and after that favored its strict construction.
  • antihyperglycemic — (of a medication or treatment) Tending to reduce hyperglycemia (high blood sugar, characteristic of diabetes).
  • antihypertensives — Plural form of antihypertensive.
  • antimycobacterial — (medicine) That counteracts the effects of mycobacteria.
  • antirevolutionary — opposed to revolution, esp opposed to a particular revolution and the people who are carrying it out
  • anytime algorithm — (algorithm)   An algorithm that returns a sequence of approximations to the correct answer such that each approximation is no worse than the previous one, i.e. the algorithm can be stopped at _any time_. x = (x + b / x) / 2 Each new x is closer to the square root than the previous one. Applications might include a real-time control system or a chess program that is allowed a fixed thinking time.
  • application layer — (networking)   The top layer of the OSI seven layer model. This layer handles issues like network transparency, resource allocation and problem partitioning. The application layer is concerned with the user's view of the network (e.g. formatting electronic mail messages). The presentation layer provides the application layer with a familiar local representation of data independent of the format used on the network.
  • appointed actuary — An appointed actuary is an actuary appointed by a life insurance company, whose main role is to carry out a regular valuation of the reserves held to pay future policy benefits.
  • archconfraternity — a confraternity having the right to associate itself with confraternities that are similar to it, and to impart to them its privileges and indulgences.
  • architectonically — In terms of architectonics.
  • armaments factory — a factory for producing armaments
  • artificial kidney — a mechanical apparatus for performing haemodialysis
  • ashton-under-lyne — a town in NW England, in Tameside unitary authority, Greater Manchester. Pop: 43 236 (2001)
  • asperger syndrome — a developmental disorder characterized by severely impaired social skills, repetitive behaviors, and often, a narrow set of interests, but not involving delayed development of linguistic and cognitive abilities: now considered one of the autism spectrum disorders.
  • assembly language — a low-level programming language that allows a programmer complete control of the machine code to be generated
  • assyro-babylonian — of or relating to Assyria and Babylonia.
  • astronomical year — year (def 4b).
  • attachment theory — a set of concepts that explain the emergence of an emotional bond between an infant and primary caregiver and the way in which this bond affects the child’s behavioral and emotional development into adulthood. See also attachment (def 3a).
  • attorneys-in-fact — a person authorized by power of attorney to act on the authorizer's behalf outside a court of law.
  • augmented reality — an artificial environment created through the combination of real-world and computer-generated data
  • authority control — the establishment and maintainance of consistent forms of terms, as of names, subjects, and titles, to be used as headings in bibliographic records.
  • autonomous syntax — an approach of generative grammar in which the syntactic component of a grammar is viewed as existing or operating independently of the semantic component and abstract syntactic representation is not equivalent to semantic representation.
  • autonomous system — (networking, routing)   (AS) A collection of routers under a single administrative authority, using a common Interior Gateway Protocol for routing packets.
  • aviation industry — a collective term for the companies involved in air transport
  • babi yar symphony — a symphony (1962) by Dimitri Dimitrievich Shostakovich.
  • baby doll nightie — a short, frilly nightdress
  • backward analysis — (theory)   An analysis to determine properties of the inputs of a program from properties or context of the outputs. E.g. if the output of this function is needed then this argument is needed. Compare forward analysis.
  • balanced literacy — a method of teaching reading in which phonics and whole language approaches are both used to maximize student learning.
  • bankruptcy estate — all of the interests that a debtor has at the start of a bankruptcy case
  • barren strawberry — a Eurasian plant, Potentilla sterilis, related to the strawberry that does not produce edible fruit
  • be sitting pretty — If you say that someone is sitting pretty, you mean that they are in a good, safe, or comfortable position.
  • be your own woman — If you say that a woman is her own woman, you approve of the fact that she makes her plans and decisions herself, and does not depend on other people.
  • benefit of clergy — sanction by the church
  • beyond comparison — outstanding, without equal
  • beyond redemption — If you say that someone or something is beyond redemption, you mean that they are so bad it is unlikely that anything can be done to improve them.
  • binary opposition — a relation between the members of a pair of linguistic items, as a pair of distinctive features, such that one is the absence of the other, as voicelessness and voice, or that one is at the opposite pole from the other, as stridency and mellowness.
  • binocular rivalry — the phenomenon whereby one is unable to see simultaneously different images presented one to each eye; usually in some areas of the eye the image presented to the left eye is seen, in others that presented to the right eye
  • blind carbon copy — a duplicate of anything written or typed, or a copy of an email or other electronic document, that is sent to someone whose name is not visible to the primary addressee. Abbreviation: bcc.
  • blocking antibody — Immunology. an antibody that partly combines with an antigen and interferes with cell-mediated immunity, thereby preventing an allergic reaction.
  • blow someone away — to kill by shooting
  • blowpipe analysis — a type of chemical analysis in which the intensely hot flame of a blowpipe vaporizes a mineral or other substance with a characteristically colored flame and a unique odor, so as to identify chemical elements in a substance
  • blue dot syndrome — (graphics, jargon)   The inability to display an image file or text embedded in an image file on your monitor.
  • blue-sky thinking — Blue-sky thinking is the activity of trying to find completely new ideas.
  • bluegrass country — region in central Ky. where there is much bluegrass
  • body center plate — one of a pair of plates that fit together and support the body of a car on a truck, while allowing the truck to rotate with respect to the body. One plate (body center plate) is attached to the underside of the car body and the other (truck center plate) is part of the car truck.
  • body modification — any method of permanently adorning the body, including tattooing and piercing
  • bouncebackability — the ability to recover after a setback, esp in sport
  • branch delay slot — delayed control-transfer
  • brazilian rhatany — See under rhatany (def 1).
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