
13-letter words containing y, n

  • close company — a company under the control of its directors or fewer than five independent participants
  • close harmony — a type of singing in which all the parts except the bass lie close together and are confined to the compass of a tenth
  • co-dependency — a state of mutual dependence between two people, esp when one partner relies emotionally on supporting and caring for the other partner
  • co-presidency — the state or act of being co-president
  • coal industry — a branch of commercial enterprise concerned with the discovery and mining of coal
  • cockney bream — a young snapper fish
  • coenzyme q 10 — a naturally occurring, fat-soluble, vitaminlike enzyme found in a variety of foods and synthesized in the body: sold as a dietary supplement for its antioxidant properties.
  • coextensively — To the same extent.
  • collisionally — in the manner of a collision or collisions
  • combinability — capable of combining or being combined.
  • come in handy — If something comes in handy, it is useful in a particular situation.
  • commensurably — In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
  • commissionary — Of, relating to, or conferring a commission.
  • common canary — See under canary (def 1).
  • common prayer — the liturgy of public services of the Church of England, esp Morning and Evening Prayer
  • common rhythm — the usual English verse rhythm created by a succession of metrical feet each of which consists of a stressed syllable and one or two unstressed ones.
  • communicatory — inclined to communicate or impart; talkative: He isn't feeling very communicative today.
  • communicology — the study of communication.
  • companionably — possessing the qualities of a good companion; pleasant to be with; congenial.
  • companionways — Plural form of companionway.
  • company grade — military rank applying to army officers below major, as second and first lieutenants and captains.
  • company store — a retail store operated by a company for the convenience of the employees, who are required to buy from the store.
  • company union — an unaffiliated union of workers usually restricted to a single business enterprise
  • company woman — a female employee whose allegiance to her employer comes before personal beliefs or loyalty to fellow workers.
  • compendiously — of or like a compendium; containing the substance of a subject, often an exclusive subject, in a brief form; concise: a compendious history of the world.
  • complainingly — In a complaining manner; peevishly.
  • complaisantly — (archaic) In a complaisant manner; obligingly.
  • complementary — Complementary things are different from each other but make a good combination.
  • complimentary — If you are complimentary about something, you express admiration for it.
  • concentricity — having a common center, as circles or spheres.
  • conceptuality — a conceptualization
  • concert party — a musical entertainment popular in the early 20th century, esp one at a British seaside resort
  • concessionary — A concessionary price is a special price which is lower than the normal one and which is often given to old people, students, and the unemployed.
  • conchylaceous — Of or relating to shells; resembling a shell.
  • conclusionary — conclusory
  • concomitantly — existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying; concurrent: an event and its concomitant circumstances.
  • concretionary — formed by concretion; consisting of concreted matter or masses.
  • concyclically — in a concyclic manner
  • conditionally — imposing, containing, subject to, or depending on a condition or conditions; not absolute; made or allowed on certain terms: conditional acceptance.
  • conductimetry — the science of measuring the conductivity of solutions.
  • condylomatous — Relating to condyloma.
  • confabulatory — the act of confabulating; conversation; discussion.
  • confectionary — a place where confections are kept or made
  • confectionery — Confectionery is sweets and chocolates.
  • confessionary — of or relating to confession, especially auricular confession of sins.
  • conflictingly — being in conflict or disagreement; not compatible: conflicting viewpoints.
  • confoundingly — in a confounding manner
  • confraternity — a group of men united for some particular purpose, esp Christian laymen organized for religious or charitable service; brotherhood
  • coniferophyte — (biology) conifer.
  • conjecturally — of, of the nature of, or involving conjecture; problematical: Theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are highly conjectural.
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