
13-letter words containing y, n

  • dactyliomancy — the use of a suspended finger-ring for divination
  • dairy farming — the business of farming to produce milk and milk products
  • dalton system — a method of progressive education whereby students contract to carry through on their own responsibility the year's work as divided up into monthly assignments.
  • dance company — a group of dancers, usually including business and technical personnel
  • dance therapy — the use of dance or movement for therapeutic purposes; a form of therapy in which people are encouraged to express their feelings through dance or movement.
  • danish pastry — Danish pastries are cakes made from sweet pastry. They are often filled with things such as apple or almond paste.
  • dating agency — an agency that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests
  • day and night — If something happens day and night or night and day, it happens all the time without stopping.
  • day blindness — hemeralopia.
  • day of infamy — December 7, 1941, on which Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, bringing the United States into World War II: so referred to by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his speech to Congress the next day, asking for a declaration of war on Japan.
  • daydreamingly — While daydreaming.
  • daytona beach — a city in NE Florida, on the Atlantic: a resort with a beach of hard white sand, used since 1903 for motor speed trials. Pop: 64 581 (2003 est)
  • deacetylation — to remove the acetyl group from (an organic compound).
  • death penalty — The death penalty is the punishment of death used in some countries for people who have committed very serious crimes.
  • decarbonylate — to remove the carbonyl group from (an organic compound).
  • declassifying — Present participle of declassify.
  • defendability — (uncountable) The condition of being defendable.
  • defenselessly — In a defenseless manner.
  • defensibility — capable of being defended against assault or injury: The troops were bivouacked in a defensible position.
  • deferentially — showing deference; deferent; respectful.
  • defervescency — Alternative form of defervescence.
  • dehydrogenase — an enzyme, such as any of the respiratory enzymes, that activates oxidation-reduction reactions by transferring hydrogen from substrate to acceptor
  • dehydrogenate — to remove hydrogen from
  • dehydrogenize — dehydrogenate.
  • delivery note — a document that accompanies a delivery of goods
  • demonstratory — having the quality of demonstrating
  • demyelinating — Present participle of demyelinate.
  • demyelination — The removal of the myelin sheath from a nerve fibre, normally as a result of disease.
  • dendroecology — The science that uses dendrochronology to analyze historic ecological processes.
  • denmark veseyDenmark, 1767–1822, black freedman, born probably on St. Thomas, Danish West Indies: hanged as alleged leader of a slave insurrection, in Charleston, S.C.
  • deoxycytidine — (biochemistry, genetics) A nucleoside consisting of cytosine linked to deoxyribose.
  • deoxygenating — Present participle of deoxygenate.
  • deoxygenation — to remove oxygen from (a substance, as blood or water).
  • dependability — software reliability
  • deposit money — checks, letters of credit, etc., that circulate and are payable on demand.
  • deprecatingly — to express earnest disapproval of.
  • designer baby — People sometimes refer to a baby that has developed from an embryo with certain desired characteristics as a designer baby.
  • desynchronize — Disturb the synchronization of; put out of step or phase.
  • determinately — having defined limits; definite.
  • detrimentally — causing detriment, as loss or injury; damaging; harmful.
  • deuteranomaly — a milder form of deuteranopia; partial deuteranopia
  • devastatingly — tending or threatening to devastate: a devastating fire.
  • devolutionary — the act or fact of devolving; passage onward from stage to stage.
  • dicyandiamide — a white, crystalline, rather sparingly water-soluble solid, C 2 H 4 N 4 , produced from cyanamide by polymerization: used in the manufacture of plastics and pharmaceuticals.
  • digby chicken — a smoked herring.
  • digressionary — Serving as a digression.
  • dimensionally — Mathematics. a property of space; extension in a given direction: A straight line has one dimension, a parallelogram has two dimensions, and a parallelepiped has three dimensions. the generalization of this property to spaces with curvilinear extension, as the surface of a sphere. the generalization of this property to vector spaces and to Hilbert space. the generalization of this property to fractals, which can have dimensions that are noninteger real numbers. extension in time: Space-time has three dimensions of space and one of time.
  • dimethylamine — a colourless strong-smelling gas produced from ammonia and methanol, used to produce many industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals
  • diphenoxylate — a substance, C 30 H 32 N 2 O 2 , used in the form of its hydrochloride in the treatment of diarrhea.
  • diphenylamine — a colorless, crystalline, slightly water-soluble benzene derivative, C 12 H 11 N, used chiefly in the preparation of various dyes, as a stabilizer for nitrocellulose propellants, and for the detection of oxidizing agents in analytical chemistry.
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