
13-letter words containing y, n

  • bay of bengal — a wide arm of the Indian Ocean, between India and Myanmar
  • bay of gdańsk — a wide inlet of the Baltic Sea on the N coast of Poland
  • bay of naples — an inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea in the SW coast of Italy
  • bay of plenty — a large bay of the Pacific on the NE coast of the North Island, New Zealand
  • bbn butterfly — (computer)   A supercomputer developed at BBN Technologies, named after the "butterfly" multi-stage switching network around which it was built. It could have up to 512 CPUs connected to allow every CPU access to every other CPU's memory, albeit with about 15 times the latency than for its own. The earlier GP-1000 models used up to 256 Motorola 68020s. The later TC-2000 models used up to 512 Motorola 88100s. Language developed for, or ported to, the BBN Butterfly were Butterfly Common LISP, Butterfly Scheme, Delirium, and MultiScheme.
  • belligerently — aggressively
  • belly landing — the landing of an aircraft on its fuselage without use of its landing gear
  • beneficiary's — a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages.
  • benzoyl group — the univalent group C 7 H 5 O–, derived from benzoic acid.
  • berkeley unix — Berkeley Software Distribution
  • bewilderingly — extremely confusing: a bewildering schedule of events.
  • beyond a joke — If you say that an annoying or worrying situation is beyond a joke, you are emphasizing that it is worse than you think is fair or reasonable.
  • beyond belief — You use beyond belief to emphasize that something is true to a very great degree or that it happened to a very great degree.
  • beyond number — too numerous to be counted
  • beyond recall — If something is beyond recall, it is no longer possible to remember how it was or to bring it back to its original condition.
  • bharat natyam — a form of Indian classical ballet
  • bharata natya — a traditional south Indian dance style, formerly performed only by devadasis.
  • bicycle chain — a chain that transmits power from the pedals to the driving wheel of a bicycle
  • bill of entry — a list of goods received at a customs house for export or import
  • billing cycle — the schedule of recurrent times in any regular system of preparing or sending bills.
  • binary number — a number expressed in binary notation, as 1101.101 = 1 × 23 + 1 × 22 + 0 × 21 + 1 × 20 + 1 × 2–1 + 0 × 2–2 + 1 × 2–3 = 13 5⁄8
  • binary prefix — (unit)   (Or "IEC prefix") A prefix used with a unit of data to mean multiplication by a power of 1024. Binary prefixes are most often used with "byte" (e.g. "kilobyte") but also with bit (e.g. "megabit"). For example, the term kilobyte has historically been used to mean 1024 bytes, and megabyte to mean 1,048,576 bytes. The multipliers 1024 and 1,048,576 are powers of 1024, which is itself a power of two (1024 = 2^10). It is this factor of two that gives the name "binary prefix". This is in contrast to a decimal prefix denoting a power of 1000, which is itself a power of ten (1000 = 10^3). Decimal prefixes are used in science and engineering and are specified in widely adopted SI standards. Note that the actual prefix - kilo or mega - is the same, it is the interpretation that differs. The difference between the two interpretations increases with each multiplication, so while 1000 and 1024 differ by only 2.4%, 1000^6 and 1024^6 differ by 15%. The 1024-based interpretation of prefixes is often still used informally and especially when discussing the storage capacity of random-access memory. This has lead to storage device manufacturers being accused of false marketing for using the decimal interpretation where customers might assume the larger, historical, binary interpretation. In an attempt to clarify the distinction, in 1998 the IEC specified that kilobyte, megabyte, etc. should only be used for powers of 1000 (following SI). They specified new prefixes for powers of 1024 containing "bi" for "binary": kibibyte, mebibyte, etc.; an idea originally propsed by IUPAC. IEC also specified new abbreviations Ki, Mi, etc. for the new prefixes. Many other standards bodies such as NIST, IEEE and BIPM support this proposal but as of 2013 its use is rare in non-technical circles. Specific units of IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC 80000
  • binary pulsar — a pulsar in a binary system.
  • binary search — (algorithm)   A search algorithm which repeatedly divides an ordered search space in half according to how the required (key) value compares with the middle element. The following pseudo-C routine performs a binary search return the index of the element of vector "thing[first..last]" equal to "target": if (target < thing[first] || target > thing[last]) return NOT_FOUND; while (first < last) { mid = (first+last)/2; /* truncate to integer */ if (target == thing[mid]) return mid; if (target < thing[mid]) last = mid-1; else first = mid+1; } if (target == thing[last]) return last; return NOT_FOUND; (2003-01-14)
  • binary system — a system involving only two elements, as 0 and 1 or yes and no.
  • binary weapon — a chemical weapon consisting of a projectile containing two substances separately that mix to produce a lethal agent when the projectile is fired
  • biotechnology — Biotechnology is the use of living parts such as cells or bacteria in industry and technology.
  • bisectionally — from a bisectional point of view
  • black country — a district in the English Midlands, around Birmingham: so called from the soot and grime produced by the many local industries.
  • black economy — The black economy consists of the buying, selling, and producing of goods or services that goes on without the government being informed, so that people can avoid paying tax on them.
  • blarney stone — a stone in Blarney Castle, in the SW Republic of Ireland, said to endow whoever kisses it with the gift of the gab and skill in flattery
  • bloody sunday — (in Northern Ireland) 30th January 1972, when British soldiers shot dead thirteen marchers in Londonderry who were protesting against the UK government's policy of internment
  • bloody-minded — If you say that someone is being bloody-minded, you are showing that you disapprove of their behaviour because you think they are being deliberately difficult instead of being helpful.
  • blot analysis — a technique for analysing biological molecules, such as proteins (Western blot analysis), DNA (Southern blot analysis), and RNA (Northern blot analysis), involving their separation by gel electrophoresis, transfer to a nitrocellulose sheet, and subsequent analysis by autoradiography
  • bodily injury — The bodily injury section of a liability insurance policy usually covers hospital bills for the injured parties as well as related expenses such as rehabilitation, medicines, and lost income.
  • body and soul — You use body and soul to mean every part of you, including your mind and your emotions.
  • body building — the act or practice of exercising, lifting weights, etc., so as to develop the muscles of the body.
  • body language — Your body language is the way in which you show your feelings or thoughts to other people by means of the position or movements of your body, rather than with words.
  • body piercing — the practice of making holes in the navel , nipples, etc so that jewellery can be worn in them
  • body shopping — the purchasing of manpower from another country, usually one where wages are cheap
  • body snatcher — (formerly) a person who robbed graves and sold the corpses for dissection
  • body stocking — A body stocking is a piece of clothing that covers the whole of someone's body and fits tightly. Body stockings are often worn by dancers.
  • body-centered — (of a crystal structure) having lattice points at the centers of the unit cells.
  • bonnet monkey — an Indian macaque, Macaca radiata, with a bonnet-like tuft of hair
  • boron hydride — borane.
  • bouncy castle — A bouncy castle is a large object filled with air, often in the shape of a castle, which children play on at a fairground or other outdoor event.
  • boundary line — a line marking one of the edges of a playing area
  • boundary peak — a peak in SW Nevada, in the White Mountains, near the California border: highest elevation in Nevada. 13,143 feet (4006 meters).
  • boundary scan — The use of scan registers to capture state from device input and output pins. IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990 describes the international standard implementation (sometimes called JTAG after the Joint Test Action Group which began the standardisation work).
  • bounty hunter — A bounty hunter is someone who tries to find or kill someone in order to get the reward that has been offered.
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