
13-letter words containing y, n

  • aluminography — algraphy.
  • aluminothermy — a process for reducing metallic oxides using finely divided aluminium powder. The mixture of aluminium and the oxide is ignited, causing the aluminium to be oxidized and the metal oxide to be reduced to the metal
  • aminophylline — a derivative of theophylline that relaxes smooth muscle and is used mainly to dilate the airways in the treatment of asthma and emphysema
  • amitriptyline — a tricyclic antidepressant drug. Formula: C20H23N
  • amitryptyline — a drug with several uses, most commonly prescribed to treat depression
  • amphictyonies — Plural form of amphictyony.
  • amphitryon 38 — a play (1938) by Jean Giraudoux.
  • anachronously — in an anachronous manner
  • anaerobically — (of an organism or tissue) living in the absence of air or free oxygen.
  • analogy model — (programming)   A method of estimating the cost of a proposed software project by extrapolating from the costs and schedules of similar completed projects.
  • analysability — the capacity of something or someone to be analysed
  • analyzability — to separate (a material or abstract entity) into constituent parts or elements; determine the elements or essential features of (opposed to synthesize): to analyze an argument.
  • anaphorically — referring back to or substituting for a preceding word or group of words: anaphoric reference.
  • anaphylactoid — Of, pertaining to, or resembling anaphylaxis.
  • androgynously — In an androgynous manner.
  • anecdotically — in an anecdotical manner
  • anfractuosity — the condition or quality of being anfractuous
  • anharmonicity — (mechanics) Of or pertaining to the deviation of a system from harmonicity (being a harmonic oscillator).
  • anisophyllous — having leaves of different shapes or sizes.
  • ankyloglossia — tongue-tie.
  • annona family — the plant family Annonaceae, characterized by tropical trees and shrubs bearing simple alternate leaves, solitary or clustered dull-colored flowers, and edible fruit, and including the cherimoya, custard apple, and sweetsop.
  • anonymization — The act or process of making anonymous, of hiding or disguising identity.
  • anonymous ftp — (networking)   An interactive service provided by many Internet hosts allowing any user to transfer documents, files, programs, and other archived data using File Transfer Protocol. The user logs in using the special user name "ftp" or "anonymous" and his e-mail address as password. He then has access to a special directory hierarchy containing the publically accessible files, typically in a subdirectory called "pub". This is usually a separate area from files used by local users. A reference like ftp: euagate.eua.ericsson.se /pub/eua/erlang/info means that files are available by anonymous FTP from the host called euagate.eua.ericsson.se in the directory (or file) /pub/eua/erlang/info. Sometimes the hostname will be followed by an Internet address in parentheses. The directory will usually be given as a path relative to the anonymous FTP login directory. A reference to a file available by FTP may also be in the form of a URL starting "ftp:". See also Archie, archive site, EFS, FTP by mail, web.
  • anonymousness — without any name acknowledged, as that of author, contributor, or the like: an anonymous letter to the editor; an anonymous donation.
  • answerability — liable to be asked to give account; responsible: He is answerable to a committee for all his decisions.
  • antenna array — a directional antenna or system of antennas for radio transmission or reception.
  • anthony hoare — (person)   (C. Anthony R. Hoare, Tony) A computer scientist working on programming languages, especially parallel ones. Hoare was responsible for Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP). See also: pointer, Simone.
  • anthophyllite — a black or greenish-black mineral from the hornblende group, found in igneous and metamorphic rocks
  • anthropolatry — the worship of a human as a god
  • anthropometry — the comparative study of sizes and proportions of the human body
  • anthropopathy — the attribution of human passions, etc, to a deity, object, etc
  • anthropophagy — cannibalism
  • anthropophyte — a plant species accidentally introduced during the cultivation of another
  • anthroposcopy — physiognomy (def 2).
  • anthroposophy — the spiritual and mystical teachings of Rudolph Steiner, based on the belief that creative activities such as myth making, which formed a part of life in earlier times, are psychologically valuable, esp for educational and therapeutic purposes
  • anthrozoology — The study of the interactions between humans and animals.
  • anti-antibody — antibody that combines with another antibody.
  • anti-burglary — the felony of breaking into and entering the house of another at night with intent to steal, extended by statute to cover the breaking into and entering of any of various buildings, by night or day.
  • anti-humanity — all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.
  • anti-hygienic — conducive to good health; healthful; sanitary.
  • anti-hypnotic — of or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism.
  • anti-idiotype — a molecular arrangement on an antibody that is the counterpart of that on a different antibody, thus making one an antigen to the other.
  • anti-monarchy — a state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in a monarch. Compare absolute monarchy, limited monarchy.
  • anti-monopoly — exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. Compare duopoly, oligopoly.
  • anti-morality — conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct.
  • anti-sway bar — antiroll bar
  • antiauthority — Opposed to authority.
  • anticatalysts — Plural form of anticatalyst.
  • anticipatedly — In an anticipated manner; in advance.
  • antifertility — acting to suppress fertility or as a contraceptive
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