
12-letter words containing y, n

  • soybean milk — a milk substitute made of soy flour and water, used especially in the making of tofu.
  • speechifying — Speechifying is the making of speeches, especially because you want to appear important.
  • sphenography — the art of writing in cuneiform characters.
  • sphygmophone — a device by which a pulse may be heard
  • spiny lizard — any of numerous iguanid lizards of the genus Sceloporus, common in North and Central America, usually having keeled scales that may end in a sharp point.
  • spiny-finned — having fins with sharp bony rays, as an acanthopterygian.
  • splenomegaly — enlargement of the spleen.
  • spongillafly — spongefly.
  • spotsylvania — a village in NE Virginia: the scene of Civil War battles between the armies of Grant and Lee, May 8–21, 1864.
  • sputteringly — in a sputtering manner
  • staggeringly — tending to stagger or overwhelm: a staggering amount of money required in the initial investment.
  • stand surety — to act as a surety
  • stanislavsky — Konstantin [kon-stuh n-teen;; Russian kuh n-stuhn-tyeen] /ˈkɒn stənˌtin;; Russian kən stʌnˈtyin/ (Show IPA), (Konstantin Sergeevich Alekseev) 1863–1938, Russian actor, producer, and director.
  • stanley pool — a lake between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Congo-Brazzaville, formed by a widening of the River Congo. Area: 829 sq km (320 sq miles)
  • stanleyville — former name of Kisangani.
  • starry night — a painting (1889) by Vincent van Gogh.
  • station days — days on which ceremonies are held in station churches
  • steady-going — steadfast; faithful; unchanging: steady-going service to the cause of justice.
  • stereotyping — a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.
  • sternutatory — Also, sternutative. causing or tending to cause sneezing.
  • stinky pinky — an oral word game in which one player provides a definition to which the others are to supply a rhyming phrase, as “a mighty nightie” for “a powerful pair of pajamas.”.
  • stinky-pinky — an oral word game in which one player provides a definition to which the others are to supply a rhyming phrase, as “a mighty nightie” for “a powerful pair of pajamas.”.
  • stoney creek — a town in SE Ontario, in S Canada.
  • stonyhearted — unfeeling; pitiless; cruel
  • stop payment — an order by the drawer of a check to his or her bank not to pay a specified check.
  • storytelling — the telling or writing of stories.
  • street money — walking-around money (def 2).
  • streptolysin — a type of hemolysin produced by certain species of streptococcus.
  • streptomycin — an antibiotic, C 2 1 H 3 9 N 7 O 1 2 , produced by a soil actinomycete, Streptomyces griseus, and used in medicine in the form of its white, water-soluble sulfate salt, chiefly in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  • stringy-bark — any of several eucalyptus trees having a fibrous bark
  • strongylosis — a disease, especially of horses, caused by an infestation by strongyles and characterized in serious cases by weakness and anemia.
  • strychninism — a condition induced by an overdose or by excessive use of strychnine.
  • student body — all the students enrolled at an educational institution.
  • stunt flying — the activity or practice of performing stunts in an aeroplane, such as special turns, etc, in the air
  • stupefyingly — to put into a state of little or no sensibility; benumb the faculties of; put into a stupor.
  • stupendously — causing amazement; astounding; marvelous: stupendous news.
  • sub-attorney — a lawyer; attorney-at-law.
  • sub-industry — the aggregate of manufacturing or technically productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product: the automobile industry; the steel industry.
  • subalternity — lower in rank; subordinate: a subaltern employee.
  • subcentrally — in a subcentral manner
  • subcommunity — a self-contained community usually within the suburbs of a large urban area.
  • subliminally — existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behavior of the individual: a subliminal stimulus; subliminal advertising.
  • subsequently — occurring or coming later or after (often followed by to): subsequent events; Subsequent to their arrival in Chicago, they bought a new car.
  • subserviency — serving or acting in a subordinate capacity; subordinate.
  • subsonically — at a velocity below that of sound
  • subway train — a train that runs on an underground railway
  • succeedingly — being that which follows; subsequent; ensuing: laws to benefit succeeding generations.
  • successantly — in succession
  • sufficiently — adequate for the purpose; enough: sufficient proof; sufficient protection.
  • sulfonylurea — any of a group of oral drugs, as tolbutamide, that stimulate the pancreas to secrete more insulin, used to treat diabetes
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