
12-letter words containing y, n

  • undeservedly — according to desert; justly; rightly.
  • undesignedly — in an undesigned manner
  • undisputedly — to engage in argument or debate.
  • undivestedly — in an undivested manner
  • undoubtfully — of uncertain outcome or result.
  • undoubtingly — in an undoubting manner
  • undulate ray — a species of ray (Raja undulata), found on the southern coasts of the British Isles
  • undulatingly — in an undulating manner
  • unemployable — unsuitable for employment; unable to find or keep a job.
  • unemployment — the state of being unemployed, especially involuntarily: Automation poses a threat of unemployment for many unskilled workers.
  • unethicality — lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct.
  • uneventfully — not eventful; lacking in important or striking occurrences: an uneventful day at the office.
  • unexpectedly — not expected; unforeseen; surprising: an unexpected pleasure; an unexpected development.
  • unflaggingly — in a consistently strong or tireless manner
  • unflamboyant — not flamboyant
  • unforgivably — in an unforgivable manner
  • unfrequently — in an unfrequent manner
  • unfriendlily — in an unfriendly manner
  • ungenerosity — the state of being ungenerous
  • ungenerously — in an ungenerous manner
  • ungracefully — in an ungraceful manner
  • ungraciously — in an ungracious manner
  • ungroundedly — without basis
  • unhandsomely — unattractively
  • unheroically — in an unheroic manner
  • unhesitantly — hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined.
  • unhydrolysed — not having undergone hydrolysis
  • unhyphenated — without a hyphen
  • unhysterical — not showing or suggesting any hysteria; controlled; sensible; calm;
  • unilaterally — relating to, occurring on, or involving one side only: unilateral development; a unilateral approach.
  • unintendedly — purposed; designed; intentional: an intended snub.
  • unironically — pertaining to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by irony or mockery: an ironical compliment; an ironical smile.
  • uniseriately — in a uniseriate manner
  • unisexuality — of or relating to one sex only.
  • united party — (formerly, in South Africa) the major opposition party, founded by General Smuts in 1934: the official Opposition in Parliament from 1948, the party was disbanded in 1977
  • unity ticket — a how-to-vote card in a union election associating Labor and Communist candidates
  • universality — the character or state of being universal; existence or prevalence everywhere.
  • unmanageably — in a way that is unmanageable, or to an unmanageable extent
  • unmeasurably — of undetermined or indefinitely great extent or amount; unlimited; measureless: the unmeasured heavens.
  • unmercifully — merciless; relentless; severe; cruel; pitiless.
  • unmethylated — Also called methoxide. any derivative of methyl alcohol, as sodium methylate, CH 3 ONa.
  • unmistakably — not mistakable; clear; obvious.
  • unmyelinated — pertaining to nerve fibers that are not covered with a myelin sheath.
  • unnewsworthy — (of a story or incident) not important or significant enough to be considered news
  • unnoteworthy — worthy of notice or attention; notable; remarkable: a noteworthy addition to our collection of rare books.
  • unnoticeably — attracting notice or attention; capable of being noticed: a noticeable lack of interest.
  • unobligatory — required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory.
  • unobservedly — without having been observed; in an unobserved manner
  • unorthodoxly — not conforming to rules, traditions, or modes of conduct, as of a doctrine, religion, or philosophy; not orthodox: an unorthodox ideology.
  • unoxygenated — not enriched with oxygen
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