
12-letter words containing y, n

  • semiannually — occurring, done, or published every half year or twice a year; semiyearly.
  • semiautonomy — the quality or state of being semiautonomous.
  • semicylinder — half of a cylinder divided lengthwise.
  • sensitometry — the science of determining the sensitivity of photographic materials.
  • sensory root — a nerve fiber bundle that emerges from either side of the spinal cord and joins with a complementary bundle to form each spinal nerve in the series of spinal nerves: the root at the rear of the spinal cord (dorsal root or sensory root) conveys sensations to the central nervous system, and the root at the front (ventral root or motor root) conveys impulses to the muscles.
  • sequentially — characterized by regular sequence of parts.
  • serotaxonomy — the study of the taxonomy of proteins using serological methods
  • serpentinely — in a serpentine fashion
  • seventy-five — a cardinal number, 70 plus 5.
  • seventy-four — a cardinal number, 70 plus 4.
  • seventy-nine — a cardinal number, 70 plus 9.
  • sexcentenary — pertaining to 600 or a period of 600 years; marking the completion of 600 years.
  • shagreen ray — a species of skate, Leucoraja fullonica
  • shame on you — expressing disapproval
  • shank's pony — one's own legs, especially as a means of moving from one place to another: The only way we can get there is by shanks' mare.
  • sigma baryon — an unstable hyperon having positive, negative, or zero electric charge and strangeness −1. Symbol: Σ.
  • significancy — significance.
  • silky cornel — a cornel, Cornus amomum, of the eastern U.S., having leaves covered with short, silky hairs on the underside and bearing blue berries.
  • silly season — a time of year, usually in midsummer or during a holiday period, characterized by exaggerated news stories, frivolous entertainments, outlandish publicity stunts, etc.: The new movie reminds us that the silly season is here.
  • silver jenny — a silvery mojarra, Eucinostomus gula, inhabiting warm waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, along sandy shores.
  • simultaneity — existing, occurring, or operating at the same time; concurrent: simultaneous movements; simultaneous translation.
  • sindonophany — the periodic exhibiting to the public of the shroud that the body of Christ is thought to have been wrapped in
  • single entry — an item noted only once.
  • single rhyme — a rhyme of monosyllables, as in heart, part.
  • single-party — of or relating to a form of government in which only a single political party constitutes the government
  • single-payer — noting or relating to a healthcare or health insurance system in which the government or a publicly owned and regulated agency pays all medical costs from a single fund.
  • sinistrality — the state or quality of having the left side or its parts or members different from and, usually, more efficient than the right side or its parts or members; left-handedness.
  • sinusoidally — Mathematics. of or relating to a sinusoid.
  • six-cylinder — having six chambers in a reciprocating internal-combustion engine, pump, or compressor within which the pistons move
  • sixteenpenny — noting a nail 3½ inches (9 cm) long. Symbol: 16d.
  • sixty-second — next after the sixty-first; being the ordinal number for 62.
  • skeleton key — a key with nearly the whole substance of the bit filed away so that it may open various locks.
  • skew polygon — the figure formed by joining four or more points, not all in one plane, by the same number of lines
  • slubberingly — in a slubbering or slovenly manner
  • slumberingly — in a slumbering manner
  • smarty-pants — smarty.
  • smotheringly — in a smothering manner
  • smyth sewing — a method of sewing together folded, gathered, and collated signatures with a single thread sewn through the folds of individual signatures.
  • sniggeringly — with a snigger
  • snollygoster — a clever, unscrupulous person.
  • snotty-faced — having visible nasal mucus on the face
  • snotty-nosed — child: runny nose
  • snow crystal — a crystal of ice sufficiently heavy to fall from the atmosphere.
  • snowy mespil — a N American tree, Amelanchier Lamarckii, that produces small white flowers in spring
  • snowy plover — a small plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, mainly of the U.S. and Mexico, having a white breast and sand-colored upper parts.
  • solar energy — energy derived from the sun in the form of solar radiation.
  • solzhenitsyn — Alexander or Aleksandr (Isayevich) [al-ig-zan-der ee-sahy-uh-vich,, -zahn-;; Russian uh-lyi-ksahn-dr ee-sah-yi-vyich] /ˌæl ɪgˈzæn dər iˈsaɪ ə vɪtʃ,, -ˈzɑn-;; Russian ʌ lyɪˈksɑn dr iˈsɑ yɪ vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1918–2008, Russian novelist: Nobel prize 1970; in the U.S. 1974–94.
  • sonnet cycle — a group of sonnets composed by one poet and having a unifying theme or subject.
  • sorting yard — sorting tracks.
  • sound system — equipment for playing music
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