
12-letter words containing y, n

  • plastocyanin — a blue protein found in green plants and in some bacteria
  • platonically — of, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or his doctrines: the Platonic philosophy of ideal forms.
  • play chicken — to engage in a test of courage in which, typically, two vehicles are driven directly toward one another in order to see which driver will swerve away first
  • play reading — the activity when a group of people read the parts of a play
  • player piano — a piano that can play automatically when the keys are actuated electronically or by a pneumatic device controlled by a piano roll.
  • playing card — one of the conventional set of 52 cards in four suits, as diamonds, hearts, spades, and clubs, used in playing various games of chance and skill.
  • plenipotency — the state of being plenipotent
  • plunket baby — a baby brought up in infancy under the dietary recommendations of the Plunket Society
  • pneumaticity — the condition of being pneumatic
  • pneumatocyst — the cavity of a pneumatophore.
  • pneumatology — Theology. doctrine concerning the Holy Spirit. the belief in intermediary spirits between humans and God.
  • pneumocystis — any protozoan of the genus Pneumocystis, esp P. carinii, which is a cause of pneumonia in people whose immune defences have been lowered by drugs or a disease
  • pneumography — the process of recording the movements of the thorax in respiration.
  • pneumonology — the study of the respiratory system
  • pocket money — money for small, current expenses.
  • point system — Printing. a system for grading the sizes of type bodies, leads, etc., that employs the point as a unit of measurement. Compare point (def 48a).
  • policymaking — a person responsible for making policy, especially in government.
  • pollyannaish — an excessively or blindly optimistic person.
  • pollyannaism — an excessively or blindly optimistic person.
  • polybutylene — any of several polymers of butylene, used chiefly in the manufacture of lubricants and synthetic rubber.
  • polycentrism — the doctrine that a plurality of independent centers of leadership, power, or ideology may exist within a single political system, especially Communism.
  • polyembryony — the production of more than one embryo from one egg.
  • polyethylene — a plastic polymer of ethylene used chiefly for containers, electrical insulation, and packaging.
  • polyisoprene — a thermoplastic polymer, (C 5 H 8) n , the major constituent of natural rubber and also obtained synthetically.
  • polyneuritis — inflammation of several nerves at the same time; multiple neuritis.
  • polynucleate — having many nuclei.
  • polyphenolic — relating to a polyphenol
  • polyphyodont — having many successive sets of teeth, as fishes and other lower vertebrates
  • polysiloxane — a polymer composed of silicon and oxygen atoms
  • polysynaptic — having or involving more than one synapse.
  • polysyndeton — the use of a number of conjunctions in close succession.
  • polytonality — the use of more than one key at the same time.
  • polyurethane — a thermoplastic polymer containing the group NHCOO: used for padding and insulation in furniture, clothing, and packaging, and in the manufacture of resins for adhesives, elastomers, and fillers.
  • pony express — a former system in the American West of carrying mail and express by relays of riders mounted on ponies, especially the system operating (1860–61) between St. Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California.
  • porphyropsin — a purple pigment occurring in the retina of the eye of certain freshwater fishes
  • portentously — of the nature of a portent; momentous.
  • positionally — in terms of position, from a positional point of view
  • postcoronary — of, relating to, or occurring after a heart attack
  • posthypnotic — of or relating to the period after hypnosis.
  • postliminary — of or relating to postliminy
  • postsynaptic — being or occurring on the receiving end of a discharge across the synapse.
  • potentiality — the state or quality of being potential.
  • poverty line — a minimum income level used as an official standard for determining the proportion of a population living in poverty.
  • prayer plant — a plant, Maranta leuconeura, native to Brazil, that is widely cultivated for its variegated leaves that close up at night.
  • pre-ceremony — the formal activities conducted on some solemn or important public or state occasion: the coronation ceremony.
  • precipitancy — the quality or state of being precipitant.
  • preeminently — eminent above or before others; superior; surpassing: He is preeminent in his profession.
  • prelingually — in a prelingual manner
  • prenominally — before a noun
  • preoccupancy — the act, right, or instance of prior occupancy.
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