
11-letter words containing y, n

  • propylamine — an isomeric amine of propyl
  • proselyting — a person who has changed from one opinion, religious belief, sect, or the like, to another; convert.
  • prosenchyma — the tissue characteristic of the woody and bast portions of plants, consisting typically of long, narrow cells with pointed ends.
  • prosiliency — prominence
  • protanomaly — a defect of vision characterized by a diminished response of the retina to red.
  • protogynous — of or relating to a flower in which the shedding of pollen occurs after the stigma has stopped being receptive; having female sex organs maturing before the male.
  • protonotary — prothonotary.
  • prototyping — The creation of a model and the simulation of all aspects of a product. CASE tools support different degrees of prototyping. Some offer the end-user the ability to review all aspects of the user interface and the structure of documentation and reports before code is generated.
  • providently — having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
  • psyche knot — a woman's hairdo in which a knot or coil of hair projects from the back of the head.
  • psychoanal. — psychoanalysis
  • psychogenic — having origin in the mind or in a mental condition or process: a psychogenic disorder.
  • psychomancy — occult communication between souls or with spirits.
  • psychonomic — of or relating to psychonomics
  • psychotogen — a substance that causes a psychotic reaction.
  • pudibundity — prudery
  • pulley bone — wishbone (def 1).
  • pulmonology — the branch of medical science concerned with the lungs and respiratory system and their diseases
  • puncak jaya — a mountain in Irian Jaya, Indonesia, on W New Guinea: highest island point in the world. 16,503 feet (5030 meters).
  • punctuality — the quality or state of being punctual.
  • putty knife — a tool for puttying, having a broad flexible blade.
  • pycniospore — the spore produced in a pycnium.
  • pyrobitumen — any of the dark, solid hydrocarbons including peat, coal, and bituminous shale.
  • pyrogenetic — heat-producing
  • pyrognostic — relating to heated minerals
  • pyrokinesis — the ability to set objects or people on fire through the concentration of psychic power.
  • pyrokinetic — the ability to set objects or people on fire through the concentration of psychic power.
  • pyrotechnic — of or relating to pyrotechnics.
  • pyrovanadic — of or relating to an acid of vanadium
  • pyroxenitic — relating to pyroxenite
  • pyrrolidine — a colorless, water-soluble, unpleasant smelling, poisonous liquid, C 4 H 9 N, from which proline and certain alkaloids are derived, prepared by reducing pyrrole: used chiefly in organic synthesis.
  • pythagorean — of or relating to Pythagoras, to his school, or to his doctrines.
  • pythonesque — denoting a kind of humour that is absurd and unpredictable; zany; surreal
  • quadraphony — high-fidelity sound reproduction involving signals transmitted through four different channels.
  • quangocracy — Rule by quangos or similar unelected bodies. (from 20th c.).
  • quantifying — to determine, indicate, or express the quantity of.
  • quaveringly — In a quavering manner; tremulously.
  • queensberryJohn Sholto Douglas, 8th Marquis of, 1844–1900, Scottish nobleman and sponsor of modern boxing rules.
  • questionary — a questionnaire.
  • quezon city — a city on W central Luzon Island, in the Philippines, NE of Manila: former national capital (1948–76).
  • quick money — money that you make easily or quickly
  • quiescently — being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless: a quiescent mind.
  • quinhydrone — a dark green, crystalline, slightly water-soluble solid, C 1 2 H 1 0 O 4 , used in solution, together with a platinum wire, as an electrode (quinhy·drone elec·trode)
  • quiveringly — While quivering, or as if quivering.
  • quotidianly — daily: a quotidian report.
  • rajahmundry — a city in Andhra Pradesh state, SE India, on the Godavari River.
  • rally round — show solidarity
  • rationality — the state or quality of being rational.
  • ravishingly — extremely beautiful or attractive; enchanting; entrancing.
  • ray casting — (graphics)   A simplified form of ray tracing. A ray is fired from each pixel in the view plane, and information is accumulated from all the voxels in the volume data it intersects. Each voxel is first given an associated colour and opacity. The ray is sampled at a fixed number of evenly spaced locations and the colour and opacity are trilinearly interpolated from the eight nearest voxels. These are then composed linearly back to front to give a single colour for the pixel. Ray casting was invented by John Carmack for the game Wolfenstein 3D. It is faster and lower quality than ray tracing, and is ideal for interactive applications. It parallelises well, although random access is needed to the voxels.
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