
11-letter words containing y, n

  • polynuclear — having many nuclei.
  • polyonymous — having or known by several or many names.
  • polyphonist — a musical composer of or theorist in polyphony
  • polyphonous — Music. polyphonic composition; counterpoint.
  • polystyrene — a clear plastic or stiff foam, a polymer of styrene, used chiefly as an insulator in refrigerators and air conditioners.
  • polytechnic — of, relating to, or offering instruction in a variety of industrial arts, applied sciences, or technical subjects: a polytechnic institute.
  • polyvalence — Chemistry. having more than one valence.
  • polyvoltine — multivoltine.
  • pond hockey — ice hockey played on a frozen pond
  • ponderingly — in a pondering manner
  • ponderosity — of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • ponderously — of great weight; heavy; massive.
  • pondicherry — a union territory of India, on the Coromandel Coast: formerly the chief settlement of French India; territory includes Mahé (on the Malabar Coast), Karikal, and Yanaon. 181 sq. mi. (469 sq. km).
  • pony league — a baseball league similar to a Little League and having teams whose players are from 13 to 14 years of age.
  • pornography — sexually explicit videos, photographs, writings, or the like, whose purpose is to elicit sexual arousal.
  • porphyratin — any of various complex compounds formed of metals and porphyrins
  • postnatally — after birth, following a birth
  • potentially — possibly but not yet actually: potentially useful information.
  • potteringly — in a pottering fashion, slowly
  • potty-train — to teach a small child to use a potty or toilet
  • potvaliancy — brave only as a result of being drunk.
  • poultry-man — a person who raises domestic fowls, especially chickens, to sell as meat; a chicken farmer.
  • poyang lake — a lake in E China, in N Jiangxi province, connected by canal with the Yangtze River: the second largest lake in China. Area (at its greatest): 2780 sq km (1073 sq miles)
  • preachingly — in a preaching manner, with preaching
  • precedently — in a precedent or preceding fashion, beforehand
  • predynastic — of, relating to, or belonging to a time or period before the first dynasty of a nation, especially the period in Egypt before c3200 b.c.
  • preliminary — preceding and leading up to the main part, matter, or business; introductory; preparatory: preliminary examinations.
  • premonetary — of or relating to the coinage or currency of a country.
  • premonitory — giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand.
  • prepollency — the quality of being prepollent
  • presanctify — to sanctify ahead of an event
  • presenility — premature old age.
  • present-day — current; modern: present-day techniques; present-day English.
  • press money — prest money.
  • prest money — a sum of money advanced to men enlisting in the navy or the army, given to bind the bargain and as an inducement.
  • presumingly — presumptuous.
  • presynaptic — being or occurring on the transmitting end of a discharge across a synapse.
  • pretendedly — in a manner of pretence
  • prettyprint — /prit'ee-print/ (Or "pretty-print") To generate "pretty" human-readable output from a hairy internal representation; especially used for the process of grinding program code.
  • prevalently — widespread; of wide extent or occurrence; in general use or acceptance.
  • principally — chiefly; mainly.
  • prison yard — a piece of enclosed ground attached to a prison, where prisoners may take exercise at certain times
  • prize money — money offered, won, or received in prizes.
  • profanatory — tending to desecrate; profaning.
  • proficiency — the state of being proficient; skill; expertness: proficiency in music.
  • prominently — standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable: Her eyes are her most prominent feature.
  • promisingly — giving favorable promise; likely to turn out well: a promising young man; a promising situation.
  • prony brake — a friction brake serving as a dynamometer for measuring torque.
  • prophesying — to foretell or predict.
  • propinquity — nearness in place; proximity.
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