
11-letter words containing y, n

  • phycocyanin — a blue protein pigment, found in algae, involved in the process of photosynthesis.
  • phycophaein — a brownish pigment which is found in seaweed
  • phyllomania — the production of leaves in abnormal numbers or places.
  • phylloplane — the surface of a leaf considered as a habitat, esp for microorganisms
  • physiciancy — the position, job, or office of physician
  • physiognomy — the face or countenance, especially when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  • phytoalexin — any of a class of plant compounds that accumulate at the site of invading microorganisms and confer resistance to disease.
  • pilferingly — in the manner of a pilferer
  • pine family — the plant family Pinaceae, characterized by mostly evergreen, resinous trees having narrow, often needlelike leaves, male flowers in catkinlike clusters, and scaly female flowers that develop into fruit in the form of a woody cone, and including cedar (genus Cedrus), fir, hemlock, larch, pine, and spruce.
  • pineal body — (formerly) the pineal gland.
  • pink family — the plant family Caryophyllaceae, characterized by herbaceous plants having opposite leaves, usually swollen-jointed stems, flowers with petals notched at the tips, and fruit generally in the form of a many-seeded capsule, and including baby's-breath, carnation, chickweed, pink, and sweet william.
  • pinocytoses — (of a cell) to take within by means of pinocytosis.
  • pinocytosis — the transport of fluid into a cell by means of local infoldings by the cell membrane so that a tiny vesicle or sac forms around each droplet, which is then taken into the interior of the cytoplasm.
  • pinocytotic — the transport of fluid into a cell by means of local infoldings by the cell membrane so that a tiny vesicle or sac forms around each droplet, which is then taken into the interior of the cytoplasm.
  • pioneer day — a legal holiday in Utah on July 24 to commemorate Brigham Young's founding of Salt Lake City in 1847.
  • placatingly — in a placating manner
  • planetology — the branch of astronomy that deals with the physical features of the planets.
  • planigraphy — an x-ray photograph in which a given plane of the body is well defined and those above and below it purposely out of focus.
  • planography — the art or technique of printing from a flat surface directly or by offset.
  • plantocracy — government by plantation owners.
  • platinotype — a process of printing positives in which a platinum salt is used, rather than the usual silver salts, in order to make a more permanent print.
  • platycnemia — (in the shinbone) the state of being laterally flattened.
  • platyrrhine — Anthropology. having a broad, flat-bridged nose.
  • play around — a dramatic composition or piece; drama.
  • play truant — be absent from school without permission
  • play-acting — Play-acting is behaviour where someone pretends to have attitudes or feelings that they do not really have.
  • play-centre — a regular meeting of small children arranged by their parents or a welfare agency to give them an opportunity of supervised creative play
  • playfulness — full of play or fun; sportive; frolicsome.
  • playstation — (games, hardware)   The leading family of games consoles, from Sony Corporation consisting of the original Playstation (PS1) and the Playstation 2 (PS2). The basic Playstations consist of a small box containing the processor and a DVD reader, with video outputs to connect to a TV, sockets for two game controllers, and a socket for one or two memory cards. The PS2 also has USB sockets. The PS2 can run PS1 software because the PS2's I/O processor is the same as the PS1's CPU.
  • playwriting — the art or technique of writing theatrical plays; the work or profession of a playwright.
  • plentifully — existing in great plenty: Coal was plentiful, and therefore cheap, in that region.
  • pleurodynia — pain in the chest or side.
  • pneumectomy — pneumonectomy.
  • podophyllin — a resin, occurring as a light brown to greenish amorphous powder, obtained from podophyllum, and used in medicine chiefly as a cathartic and, locally, in the treatment of genital warts.
  • pointy-head — stupid; idiotic.
  • policy loan — a loan made by a life-insurance company to a policyholder with the cash value of the policy serving as security.
  • policy unit — a body of political advisors to the British Prime Minister
  • policy wonk — a person who studies or makes political policies, esp one who has a strong enthusiasm for technical details
  • policyowner — policyholder.
  • polling day — date of election voting
  • poltroonery — a wretched coward; craven.
  • polyactinal — possessing many rays
  • polyandrist — a woman who practices or favors polyandry.
  • polyandrous — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or practicing polyandry; polyandric.
  • polyangular — multangular; multiangular.
  • polycentric — having many centers, especially of power or importance: the polycentric world of banking.
  • polygenesis — origin from more than one ancestral species or line.
  • polygenetic — Biology. relating to or exhibiting polygenesis.
  • polygonatum — a plant of the genus Polygonatum
  • polylingual — pertaining to, expressed in, or using several languages; multilingual.
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