
10-letter words containing y, n

  • hexagynian — (of a plant) having six pistils
  • hexagynous — (of a plant) having six pistils
  • hieromancy — divination through studying objects offered in sacrifice
  • hieronymic — of or relating to St. Jerome.
  • hieronymus — Eusebius [yoo-see-bee-uh s] /yuˈsi bi əs/ (Show IPA), Jerome, Saint.
  • hierophany — A physical manifestation of the holy or sacred, serving as a spiritual eidolon for emulation or worship.
  • highflying — moving upward to or along at a considerable height: highflying planes.
  • highwayman — (formerly) a holdup man, especially one on horseback, who robbed travelers along a public road.
  • highwaymen — Plural form of highwayman.
  • hill mynah — a starling, Gracula religiosa, of S and SE Asia: a popular cage bird because of its ability to talk
  • hinayanist — a Buddhist of the Hinayana school.
  • hobblingly — in a hobbling manner
  • holidaying — a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.
  • holoenzyme — an enzyme complete in both its apoenzyme and coenzyme components.
  • holy synod — the governing council of an autocephalous church, composed of bishops and presided over by the patriarch or another prelate.
  • holystoned — Simple past tense and past participle of holystone.
  • holystones — Plural form of holystone.
  • homonymity — Phonetics. a word pronounced the same as another but differing in meaning, whether spelled the same way or not, as heir and air; a homophone (def 1).
  • homonymous — of the nature of homonyms; having the same name.
  • honey bear — a kinkajou.
  • honeyberry — genip (defs 2, 3).
  • honeybunch — honey (def 6, 7).
  • honeybunny — A term of endearment; honey, sweetheart.
  • honeycombs — Plural form of honeycomb.
  • honeyeater — An Australasian songbird with a long brushlike tongue for feeding on nectar.
  • honeyguide — any of a family (Indicatoridae) of small, heavily built, drab-colored piciform birds of Africa, Asia, and the East Indies: they are said to lead people or animals to bees' nests in order to eat the grubs and wax discarded by the people, etc. when they take the honeycombs
  • honeymonth — a couple's honeymoon or their first month of marriage
  • honeymoons — Plural form of honeymoon.
  • honky-tonk — a cheap, noisy, and garish nightclub or dance hall.
  • honorarily — given for honor only, without the usual requirements, duties, privileges, emoluments, etc.: The university presented the new governor with an honorary degree.
  • honourably — (British) In a honourable manner.
  • hootenanny — a social gathering or informal concert featuring folk singing and, sometimes, dancing.
  • hormonally — In a hormonal way.
  • horn poppy — a European plant, Glaucium flavum, of the poppy family, having yellow flowers, naturalized along sandy shores in eastern North America.
  • horny frog — horned frog.
  • horrifying — to cause to feel horror; strike with horror: The accident horrified us all.
  • hoydenhood — the condition of a rude, ill-bred or boisterous and noisy girl or woman, or a tomboy
  • hu yaobang — 1915–89, Chinese Communist leader: general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party 1981–87.
  • hudson bay — a large inland sea in N Canada. 850 miles (1370 km) long; 600 miles (965 km) wide; 400,000 sq. mi. (1,036,000 sq. km).
  • human body — the physical structure and material substance of a human being, consisting of many billions of cells as well as components outside of the cells: The average adult human body is 50–65% water.
  • humblingly — not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
  • hunky-dory — about as well as one could wish or expect; satisfactory; fine; OK.
  • hush money — a bribe to keep someone silent about something, especially to keep the receiver from exposing a scandal.
  • hy antigen — an antigen encoded by a gene on the Y (male) chromosome, active in the development of male structures.
  • hyacinthin — phenylacetaldehyde.
  • hyacinthus — a youth loved but accidentally killed by Apollo: from the youth's blood sprang the hyacinth.
  • hyalinised — to become hyaline.
  • hyalinized — to become hyaline.
  • hyalophane — a variety of orthoclase in which some of the potassium is replaced by barium.
  • hyaluronic — Of or pertaining to hyaluronic acid or its derivatives.
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