
10-letter words containing y, n

  • in summary — to sum up, to conclude
  • in the hay — grass, clover, alfalfa, etc., cut and dried for use as forage.
  • in the way — manner, mode, or fashion: a new way of looking at a matter; to reply in a polite way.
  • inaccuracy — something inaccurate; error.
  • inactively — In an inactive manner.
  • inactivity — not active: an inactive volcano.
  • inadequacy — Also, inadequateness [in-ad-i-kwit-nis] /ɪnˈæd ɪ kwɪt nɪs/ (Show IPA). the state or condition of being inadequate; insufficiency.
  • inarguably — not arguable: Her conclusion is so obvious as to be inarguable.
  • incapacity — lack of ability, qualification, or strength; incapability.
  • incedingly — in a stately or measured way
  • incendiary — used or adapted for setting property on fire: incendiary bombs.
  • incessancy — continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending: an incessant noise.
  • inchoately — not yet completed or fully developed; rudimentary.
  • incidently — (obsolete) Alternative spelling of incidentally.
  • incipiency — the state or condition of being incipient.
  • incisively — penetrating; cutting; biting; trenchant: an incisive tone of voice.
  • incisivity — The quality of being incisive; penetrating trenchancy; incisiveness.
  • incitingly — In an inciting manner.
  • incivility — the quality or condition of being uncivil; discourteous behavior or treatment.
  • inclemency — (of the weather, the elements, etc.) severe, rough, or harsh; stormy.
  • incredibly — so extraordinary as to seem impossible: incredible speed.
  • incubatory — the act or process of incubating.
  • inculpably — In an inculpable way; blamelessly.
  • incumbency — the quality or state of being incumbent.
  • indagatory — investigatory
  • indecently — offending against generally accepted standards of propriety or good taste; improper; vulgar: indecent jokes; indecent language; indecent behavior.
  • indelicacy — the quality or condition of being indelicate.
  • indicatory — That indicates, signifies or implies.
  • indictably — liable to being indicted, as a person.
  • indigenity — originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often followed by to): the plants indigenous to Canada; the indigenous peoples of southern Africa.
  • indigently — In an indigent manner.
  • indignancy — Indignation.
  • indirectly — not in a direct course or path; deviating from a straight line; roundabout: an indirect course in sailing.
  • indo-aryan — a member of a people of India who are Indo-European in speech and Caucasoid in physical characteristics.
  • indocility — The quality or condition of being indocile.
  • indolently — having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion; slothful: an indolent person.
  • indulgency — indulgence.
  • inefficacy — lack of power or capacity to produce the desired effect.
  • inelegancy — inelegance.
  • ineludibly — not eludible; inescapable.
  • inequality — social or economic disparity: inequality between the rich and the poor; widening income inequality in America. unequal opportunity or treatment resulting from this disparity: inequality in healthcare and education.
  • inerasably — in an inerasable fashion
  • inerrantly — free from error; infallible.
  • inertially — In an inertial manner.
  • inevitably — unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary: an inevitable conclusion.
  • inexorably — unyielding; unalterable: inexorable truth; inexorable justice.
  • inexpertly — not expert; unskilled.
  • inexpiably — In an inexpiable manner or degree; permitting no atonement.
  • infallibly — absolutely trustworthy or sure: an infallible rule.
  • infamously — having an extremely bad reputation: an infamous city.
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