
10-letter words containing y, n

  • gnomically — In a gnomic manner. (In a way apparently clear and simple, but eventually difficult to understand).
  • gnoseology — The scientific or philosophical study of knowledge.
  • gnosiology — Alternative form of gnoseology.
  • go easy on — use sparingly
  • golden boy — a man or boy who is especially popular and successful
  • goldeneyes — Plural form of goldeneye.
  • goldwynism — a phrase or statement involving a humorous and supposedly unintentional misuse of idiom, as “Keep a stiff upper chin,” especially such a statement attributed to Samuel Goldwyn, as “Include me out.”.
  • goniometry — an instrument for measuring solid angles, as of crystals.
  • gonioscopy — an optical instrument used for measuring the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye.
  • gooneybird — an informal name for the albatross, esp the black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes)
  • governessy — resembling or typical of a governess
  • gramophony — the art, technique, or practice of recording sound on disc
  • grand jury — a jury, at common law, of 12 to 23 persons, designated to inquire into alleged violations of the law in order to ascertain whether the evidence is sufficient to warrant trial.
  • granddaddy — grandfather.
  • grandpappy — grandfather.
  • granophyre — a fine-grained or porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass.
  • granularly — of the nature of granules; grainy.
  • graspingly — In a grasping manner.
  • gratifying — tending to gratify; giving or causing satisfaction; pleasing.
  • gray's inn — See under Inns of Court (def 1).
  • green-eyed — jealous; envious; distrustful.
  • grenz rays — X-rays of long wavelength produced in a device when electrons are accelerated through 25 kilovolts or less
  • grey heron — a large European heron, Ardea cinerea, with grey wings and back and a long black drooping crest
  • grey nomad — any elderly retired person who spends time travelling around the country in a mobile home
  • greyhounds — Plural form of greyhound.
  • greynvilleSir Richard, Grenville, Sir Richard.
  • grievingly — In a grieving manner.
  • grindingly — In a grinding fashion; in a way that grinds.
  • grinningly — With a grin.
  • grippingly — In a gripping manner.
  • groceryman — a grocer.
  • ground ivy — a creeping, aromatic plant, Glechoma hederacea, of the mint family, having rounded leaves and whorling clusters of small blue flowers.
  • groundedly — in a grounded manner, or with good justification or reason
  • growlingly — In a growling manner; with growls.
  • grudgingly — displaying or reflecting reluctance or unwillingness: grudging acceptance of the victory of an opponent.
  • gruelingly — exhausting; very tiring; arduously severe: the grueling Boston marathon.
  • gunnysacks — Plural form of gunnysack.
  • gymnasiast — a student in a gymnasium.
  • gymnasiums — Plural form of gymnasium.
  • gymnastics — (used with a plural verb) gymnastic exercises.
  • gymnoplast — a mass of protoplasm without an enclosing wall.
  • gymnosperm — a vascular plant having seeds that are not enclosed in an ovary; a conifer or cycad.
  • gymnospore — a naked spore, especially one not produced in a sporangium or one lacking a protective envelope.
  • gynandrism — hermaphroditism.
  • gynandrous — having stamens and pistils united in a column, as in orchids.
  • gynarchies — Plural form of gynarchy.
  • gynecocrat — gynarchy.
  • gynecology — the branch of medical science that deals with the health maintenance and diseases of women, especially of the reproductive organs. Abbreviation: GYN, gyn.
  • gyneocracy — Alternative form of gynecocracy.
  • gyneolatry — The adoration or worship of women.
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