
15-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • strephosymbolia — a condition of perceiving objects as their mirror image and, specifically, having difficulty in distinguishing letters in words
  • streptobacillus — any of various bacilli that form in chains.
  • stress position — an enforced body position, applied esp in the interrogation of detainees, which causes the victim pain by concentrating a large amount of his or her weight on a small number of muscles, joints, etc
  • stretch a point — a sharp or tapering end, as of a dagger.
  • string together — arrange coherently
  • strobe lighting — a high-intensity flashing beam of light produced by rapid electrical discharges in a tube or by a perforated disc rotating in front of an intense light source: used in discotheques, etc
  • strombuliferous — having organs coiled as spirals
  • strontium oxide — a white insoluble solid substance used in making strontium salts and purifying sugar. Formula: SrO
  • styloid process — a long, spinelike process of a bone, especially the projection from the base of the temporal bone.
  • subperiosteally — the normal investment of bone, consisting of a dense, fibrous outer layer, to which muscles attach, and a more delicate, inner layer capable of forming bone.
  • subreptitiously — in a subreptitious manner
  • subtrochanteric — Anatomy. either of two knobs at the top of the femur, the greater on the outside and the lesser on the inside, serving for the attachment of muscles between the thigh and pelvis.
  • sulfite process — a process for making wood pulp by digesting wood chips in an acid liquor consisting of sulfurous acid and a salt, usually calcium bisulfite.
  • sulfur trioxide — an irritant, corrosive, low-melting solid, SO 3 , obtained by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide, used as an intermediate in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.
  • summer solstice — the solstice on or about June 21st that marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • super-committee — a committee with members from two or more organizations or political groups
  • superconvenient — highly convenient
  • superexaltation — extreme or supreme exaltation; the act of superexalting; the process or condition of being superexalted
  • superexcitation — the act of exciting.
  • superimposition — to impose, place, or set over, above, or on something else.
  • superinvolution — an act or instance of involving or entangling; involvement.
  • superior planet — any of the five planets whose orbits are outside the orbit of the earth, namely, the planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • superordination — Logic. the relation between a universal proposition and a particular proposition of the same quality containing the same terms in the same order.
  • superpatriotism — the quality of being superpatriotic
  • supporting role — acting: secondary part
  • surface tension — the elasticlike force existing in the surface of a body, especially a liquid, tending to minimize the area of the surface, caused by asymmetries in the intermolecular forces between surface molecules.
  • surreptitiously — obtained, done, made, etc., by stealth; secret or unauthorized; clandestine: a surreptitious glance.
  • symbol retailer — any member of a voluntary group of independent retailers, often using a common name or symbol, formed to obtain better prices from wholesalers or manufacturers in competition with supermarket chains
  • symmetric group — the group of all permutations of a finite set.
  • symphony writer — a composer of an extended large-scale orchestral composition, usually with several movements, at least one of which is in sonata form
  • synectics group — a group of people of varied background that meets to attempt creative solutions of problems through the unrestricted exercise of imagination and the correlation of disparate elements.
  • take for a ride — to sit on and manage a horse or other animal in motion; be carried on the back of an animal.
  • take it from me — You can say 'take it from me' to tell someone that you are absolutely sure that what you are saying is correct, and that they should believe you.
  • taylor's series — an infinite sum giving the value of a function f(z) in the neighbourhood of a point a in terms of the derivatives of the function evaluated at a. Under certain conditions, the series has the form f(z) = f(a) + [f′(a)(z – a)]/1! + [f″(a)(z – a)2]/2! + …
  • teamsters union — the unofficial name of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen, and Helpers of America.
  • tear one's hair — the act of tearing.
  • techno-thriller — a suspense novel in which the manipulation of sophisticated technology, as of aircraft or weapons systems, plays a prominent part.
  • temerariousness — the state or condition of being audacious
  • tensor analysis — the branch of mathematics dealing with the calculus of tensors, especially the study of properties that are unaffected by a change of coordinate system.
  • tentaculiferous — having tentacles
  • teratocarcinoma — a monstrous malignant tumour typically found in the testes
  • terminator seed — a seed that produces sterile plants, used in some genetically modified crops so that a new supply of seeds has to be bought every year
  • terra incognita — an unknown or unexplored land, region, or subject.
  • terror-stricken — overwhelmed by terror; terrified.
  • tertiary colour — a colour formed by mixing two secondary colours
  • tertiary sector — The tertiary sector consists of industries which provide a service, such as transport and finance.
  • tetrafunctional — pertaining to molecules or groups that can bond at four sites.
  • tetrasporangium — a sporangium containing four asexual spores.
  • text processing — the handling of alphabetic characters by a computer
  • thanks offering — an offering made as an expression of thanks to God
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