
15-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • turnaround time — the total time taken between the submission of a program for execution and the return of the complete output to the customer
  • turquoise green — a light bluish green.
  • tutorial system — a system of education, especially in some colleges, in which instruction is given personally by tutors, who also act as general advisers of a small group of students in their charge.
  • twist one's arm — to combine, as two or more strands or threads, by winding together; intertwine.
  • two-thirds rule — a former rule in the Democratic Party, effective 1832–1936, requiring a vote of at least two thirds of its national convention delegates to nominate a presidential and vice-presidential candidate.
  • ulterior motive — secret or underlying aim
  • ultra-modernist — very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques.
  • ultra-religious — of, relating to, or concerned with religion: a religious holiday.
  • ultracommercial — concerned with nothing but profit
  • ultraconvenient — extremely convenient
  • ultrademocratic — (in the US) characteristic of a staunch member or supporter of the Democratic Party and its agenda
  • ultramicrofiche — ultrafiche.
  • ultramicrometer — a micrometer calibrated to a very fine scale and capable of measuring extremely small magnitudes.
  • ultramicroscope — an instrument that uses scattering phenomena to detect the position of objects too small to be seen by an ordinary microscope.
  • un-romanticized — to make romantic; invest with a romantic character: Many people romanticize the role of an editor.
  • unary operation — an operation in a mathematical system by which one element is used to yield a single result, as squaring or taking the square root.
  • unauthoritative — having due authority; having the sanction or weight of authority: an authoritative opinion.
  • uncategorizable — not able to be categorized or placed into a category
  • uncomplimentary — of the nature of, conveying, or expressing a compliment, often one that is politely flattering: a complimentary remark.
  • unconstrainable — unable to be confined
  • unconstrainedly — in an unconfined manner
  • uncontroversial — of, relating to, or characteristic of controversy, or prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; polemical: a controversial book.
  • uncooperatively — in an uncooperative or unhelpful manner
  • uncopyrightable — not able to be copyrighted
  • undemonstrative — not given to open exhibition or expression of emotion, especially of affection.
  • under-education — to educate too little or poorly.
  • underestimation — to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like.
  • underpopulation — having a population lower than is normal or desirable.
  • underproduction — production that is less than normal or than is required by the demand.
  • unextraordinary — beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular, or established: extraordinary costs.
  • unindoctrinated — to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
  • uninformatively — in an uninformative manner
  • union territory — one of the 6 administrative territories that, with 28 states, make up the Republic of India
  • universal joint — piece that couples two rotating shafts
  • universal motor — a series-wound motor, of one-half horsepower or less, using alternating or direct current.
  • unobtrusiveness — not obtrusive; inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent.
  • unpretentiously — without pretension
  • unproportionate — proportioned; being in due proportion; proportional.
  • unprotestantize — to make something (e.g. a church, country, etc) a religion other than Protestant
  • unrevolutionary — not revolutionary, progressive, or radical
  • unrighteousness — not righteous; not upright or virtuous; wicked; sinful; evil: an unrighteous king.
  • unseaworthiness — constructed, outfitted, manned, and in all respects fitted for a voyage at sea.
  • unsportsmanlike — a man who engages in sports, especially in some open-air sport, as hunting, fishing, racing, etc.
  • upper arlington — a city in central Ohio, near Columbus.
  • url redirection — (web)   (Or "URL forwarding") When a web server tells the client browser to obtain a certain requested page from a different location. This is controlled by directives in the server's configuration files or a "Location: header output by a CGI script. The web server stores all its documents in a directory tree rooted at some configured directory, known as its "document root". Normally the URI part of the URL (the part after the hostname) is used as a relative path from the document root to the desired file or directory. A redirect directive allows the server administrator to specify exceptions to this general mapping from URL to file name by telling the browser "try this URL instead". The new URL may be on the same server or a different one and may itself be subject to redirection. The user is normally unaware of this process except that it may introduce extra delay while the browser sends the new request and the browser will usually display the new URL rather than the one the user originally requested.
  • vacation course — a course of study undertaken during a vacation, usually combined with other activities
  • varicocelectomy — the surgical removal or ligation of varicose veins in the scrotal sac.
  • vector addition — the process of finding one vector that is equivalent to the result of the successive application of two or more given vectors.
  • vector analysis — the branch of calculus that deals with vectors and processes involving vectors.
  • vector function — a function that assigns a vector to each point in a given set.
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