
15-letter words containing t, o, r, i, e

  • renormalization — the action or process of normalizing or causing to conform to a norm or normal state again
  • reorchestration — a renewed or second orchestration of a piece of music, the act of reorchestrating
  • repeating group — (database)   Any attribute that can have multiple values associated with a single instance of some entity. For example, a book might have multiple authors. Such a "-to-many" relationship might be represented in an unnormalised relational database as multiple author columns in the book table or a single author(s) column containing a string which was a list of authors. Converting this to "first normal form" is the first step in database normalisation. Each author of the book would appear in a separate row along with the book's primary key. Later nomalisation stages would move the book-author relationship into a separate table to avoid repeating other book attibutes (e.g. title, publisher) for each author.
  • representations — statements of facts, true or alleged, esp set forth by way of remonstrance or expostulation
  • reprivatization — the action or process of reprivatizing, or an instance thereof
  • reproducibility — to make a copy, representation, duplicate, or close imitation of: to reproduce a picture.
  • requalification — a quality, accomplishment, etc., that fits a person for some function, office, or the like.
  • resensitization — the state or process of being sensitized.
  • reservoir patch — A reservoir patch is an adhesive patch enclosing an amount of medicine. The patch is applied to the skin, and the medicine in it is delivered through a membrane into the skin and into the bloodstream.
  • resocialization — the process of learning new attitudes and norms required for a new social role.
  • respecification — the act of specifying.
  • restabilization — the act or process of stabilizing or the state of being stabilized.
  • restricted code — a style of language use associated with informal situations, characterized by linguistic predictability and by its dependence on the external context and on the shared knowledge and experience of the participants for conveying meaning. Compare code (def 11b), elaborated code.
  • resurrectionary — pertaining to or of the nature of resurrection.
  • resurrectionism — the exhumation and stealing of dead bodies, especially for dissection.
  • resurrectionist — a person who brings something to life or view again.
  • resurrectionize — to bring back from or raise from the dead
  • retail politics — a political strategy or campaign style of meeting and speaking directly to as many voters as possible: New Hampshire is a state where retail politics are decisive. Not every candidate is good at retail politics.
  • retained income — retained earnings.
  • retained object — an object in a passive construction identical with the direct or indirect object in the active construction from which it is derived, as the picture in I was shown the picture, which is also the direct object in the active construction (They) showed me the picture.
  • retirement home — care facility for elderly people
  • retro-operative — affecting or operating on past events; retroactive
  • retroperitoneal — of or relating to the area behind the abdominal lining, where organs such as the kidneys and bladder are located
  • retroreflection — of or relating to a surface, material, or device (retroreflector) that reflects light or other radiation back to its source; reflective.
  • retroreflective — of or relating to a surface, material, or device (retroreflector) that reflects light or other radiation back to its source; reflective.
  • retrospectively — with contemplation of past situations, events, etc.: You should examine your relationship retrospectively.
  • revisualization — the act of visualizing or picturing something again
  • revolutionarily — of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of a revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change: a revolutionary junta.
  • revolving stage — a circular platform divided into segments enabling multiple theater sets to be put in place in advance and in turn rotated into view of the audience.
  • rhesus positive — relating to blood containing Rhesus antigen D
  • rheumatism-root — spotted wintergreen.
  • rhodesian front — the governing party in Zimbabwe (then called Rhodesia) 1962–78
  • rhyming couplet — a pair of lines in poetry that rhyme and usually have the same rhythm
  • ribonucleotides — an ester, composed of a ribonucleoside and phosphoric acid, that is a constituent of ribonucleic acid.
  • right ascension — the arc of the celestial equator measured eastward from the vernal equinox to the foot of the great circle passing through the celestial poles and a given point on the celestial sphere, expressed in degrees or hours.
  • right of search — the privilege of a nation at war to search neutral ships on the high seas for contraband or other matter, carried in violation of neutrality, that may subject the ship to seizure.
  • right to choose — the right of a woman to have a legal abortion if she chooses to do so.
  • right-of-center — holding conservative views in politics; right-wing.
  • right-of-centre — You can describe a person or political party as right-of-centre if they have political views which are closer to capitalism and conservatism than to socialism but which are not very extreme.
  • rightabout-face — a turning directly about so as to face in the opposite direction
  • ringtail monkey — a Central and South American monkey, Cebus capucinus, having a prehensile tail and hair on the head resembling a cowl.
  • río de la plata — Rí·o de la [ree-aw th e lah] /ˈri ɔ ðɛ lɑ/ (Show IPA) an estuary on the SE coast of South America between Argentina and Uruguay, formed by the Uruguay and Paraná rivers, about 185 miles (290 km) long.
  • rite of passage — Anthropology. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person's change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan.
  • riverworthiness — (of a boat) the quality or state of being riverworthy
  • roaring forties — the stormy oceanic areas between 40° and 50° south latitude
  • robert guiscard — Robert [French raw-ber] /French rɔˈbɛr/ (Show IPA), (Robert de Hauteville) c1015–85, Norman conqueror in Italy.
  • robin redbreast — robin (defs 1, 2).
  • rochester hills — city in SE Mich., near Detroit: pop. 69,000
  • rocket airplane — an airplane propelled wholly or mainly by a rocket engine.
  • roger bannister — Sir Roger (Gilbert) born 1929, English track and field athlete: first to run a mile in less than four minutes.
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