
21-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • displacement activity — a behavior performed out of its usual context and apparently irrelevant to the prevailing situation, as eating when an unknown individual approaches, tending to occur when appropiate behaviors, as attacking or fleeing, are in conflict or obstructed.
  • display advertisement — an advertisement designed to attract attention by using devices such as conspicuous or elegant typefaces, graphics, etc
  • distant early warning — a US radar detection system to warn of missile attack
  • distributed smalltalk — ["The Design and Implementation of Distributed Smalltalk", J. Bennett, SIGPLAN Notices 22(12):318-330 (Dec 1980)].
  • double predestination — the doctrine that God has foreordained both those who will be saved and those who will be damned.
  • double spanish burton — a tackle having one standing block and two running blocks, giving a mechanical advantage of five, neglecting friction.
  • downhole safety valve — A downhole safety valve is a piece of safety equipment used inside a well, which isolates wellbore pressure and fluid if something bad happens.
  • eastern daylight time — a time zone applicable to many eastern areas of the United States during the summer months, being a daylight-saving variant of Eastern Standard Time
  • eccles-jordan circuit — flip-flop
  • educational sociology — the application of sociological principles and methods to the solution of problems in an educational system.
  • electric displacement — the electric flux density when an electric field exists in free space into which a dielectric is introduced
  • electroencephalograms — Plural form of electroencephalogram.
  • electromagnetic pulse — a surge of electromagnetic radiation, esp one resulting from a nuclear explosion, which can disrupt electronic devices and, occasionally, larger structures and equipment
  • electronystagmography — A diagnostic test to record involuntary movements of the eye caused by a condition known as nystagmus. It can also be used to diagnose the cause of vertigo, dizziness or balance dysfunction by testing the vestibular system.
  • emotional correctness — pressure on an individual to be seen to feel the same emotion as others
  • empire state building — New York City skyscraper
  • endoplasmic reticulum — an extensive intracellular membrane system whose functions include synthesis and transport of lipids and, in regions where ribosomes are attached, of proteins
  • environmental studies — a university course studying the environment and related issues
  • epidemic encephalitis — any type of widespread encephalitis caused by various viruses
  • extensible vax editor — (text, tool)   (EVE) A DEC product implemented using DEC's Text Processing Utility (TPU).
  • fermat's last theorem — the unproved theorem that the equation xn + yn = zn has no solution for x, y, z nonzero integers when n is greater than 2.
  • ferric sodium oxalate — an emerald-green, crystalline, extremely water-soluble salt, used in photography and blueprinting.
  • financial times index — one of the indexes of share prices produced by the Financial Times, especially the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index
  • first-dollar coverage — insurance that provides payment for the full loss up to the insured amount with no deductibles.
  • forensic anthropology — the branch of physical anthropology in which anthropological data, criteria, and techniques are used to determine the sex, age, genetic population, or parentage of skeletal or biological materials in questions of civil or criminal law.
  • fort lesley j. mcnair — a military reservation in SW Washington, D.C., on the Potomac River, SW of the Capitol.
  • franco-belgian system — French system.
  • fraudulent conversion — conversion committed with the intent to defraud
  • gas blanketed storage — Gas blanketed storage is the use of gas to fill empty space in a storage tank.
  • general of the armies — a special rank held by John J. Pershing, equivalent to general of the army.
  • gentleman's agreement — unwritten rule or agreement
  • gentleman's gentleman — a valet.
  • gentlemen's agreement — an agreement that, although unenforceable at law, is binding as a matter of personal honor.
  • gestalt psychotherapy — a therapy devised in the US in the 1960s in which patients are encouraged to concentrate on the immediate present and to express their true feelings
  • gideons international — an interdenominational lay society organized in 1899 to place Bibles in hotel rooms.
  • give place to someone — to make room for or be superseded by someone
  • give sb a green light — If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something.
  • give someone a tinkle — to call someone on the telephone
  • goldbach's conjecture — the conjecture that every even number greater than two is the sum of two prime numbers
  • greater sunda islands — a group of islands in the W Malay Archipelago, forming the larger part of the Sunda Islands: consists of Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi
  • guaranteed scheduling — (algorithm)   A scheduling algorithm used in multitasking operating systems that guarantees fairness by monitoring the amount of CPU time spent by each user and allocating resources accordingly.
  • help a person on with — to assist a person in the putting on of (clothes)
  • henry steele commagerHenry Steele, 1902–98, U.S. historian, author, and teacher.
  • hierarchical database — (database)   A kind of database management system that links records together like a family tree such that each record type has only one owner, e.g. an order is owned by only one customer. Hierarchical structures were widely used in the first mainframe database management systems. However, due to their restrictions, they often cannot be used to relate structures that exist in the real world.
  • historic places trust — (in New Zealand) the statutory body concerned with the conservation of historic buildings, esp with ancient Māori sites
  • homogeneous catalysis — Homogeneous catalysis is catalysis in which the catalyst takes part in the reaction that it increases.
  • horizontal stabilizer — the horizontal surface, usually fixed, of an aircraft empennage, to which the elevator is hinged.
  • horns and halo effect — a tendency to allow one's judgement of another person, esp in a job interview, to be unduly influenced by an unfavourable (horns) or favourable (halo) first impression based on appearances
  • hubble classification — a method of classifying galaxies depending on whether they are elliptical, spiral, barred spiral, or irregular
  • hypercholesterolaemia — the condition of having a high concentration of cholesterol in the blood
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