
21-letter words containing t, e, a, s, l

  • a fine kettle of fish — an awkward situation; mess
  • a rap on the knuckles — If someone in authority gives you a rap on the knuckles, they criticize you or blame you for doing something they think is wrong.
  • a world heritage site — a site of international importance
  • absolutely convergent — of or characterized by absolute convergence.
  • acceptable use policy — (networking)   (AUP) Rules applied by many transit networks which restrict the use to which the network may be put. A well known example is NSFNet which does not allow commercial use. Enforcement of AUPs varies with the network.
  • active matrix display — (hardware)   A type of liquid crystal display where each display element (each pixel) includes an active component such as a transistor to maintain its state between scans. Contrast passive matrix display.
  • ada core technologies — (company)   (ACT) The company that maintains GNAT. Ada Core Technologies was founded in 1994 by the original authors of the GNAT compiler. ACT provides software for Ada 95 development.
  • add fuel to something — If something adds fuel to a conflict or debate, or adds fuel to the fire, it makes the conflict or debate more intense.
  • adela rogers st johnsAdela Rogers, 1894–1988, U.S. journalist and writer.
  • aerodynamic stability — Aerodynamic stability is the way that a moving vehicle reacts to changes in air caused by passing vehicles.
  • aids dementia complex — a brain disorder in people with AIDS that causes severe irreparable memory loss and disorientation, affecting the ability to function in social or work settings. Abbreviation: ADC.
  • air-to-ground missile — a missile fired from an aircraft that has a target on the ground
  • aladdin systems, inc. — (company)   The company that developed and distributes Stuffit and other utility software for the Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, and Palm handheld computers. Not to be confused with Aladdin Enterprises.
  • algorithm description — (language)   (ALDES) ["The Algorithm Description Language ALDES", R.G.K. Loos, SIGSAM Bull 14(1):15-39 (Jan 1976)].
  • all things considered — You say all things considered to indicate that you are making a judgment after taking all the facts into account.
  • alpha centauri system — a star system comprising the binary star Alpha Centauri A and B and Proxima Centauri (also called Alpha Centauri C), which is 0.1 light years closer to the sun. Visual magnitude: 0.01 (A), 1.33 (B); spectral type: G2V (A); distance from earth: 4.3 light years
  • aluminum fluosilicate — a white, water-soluble powder, Al 2 (SiF 6) 3 , used in the manufacture of optical glass and of synthetic sapphires and rubies.
  • aluminum monostearate — a white, water-insoluble powder, Al(OH) 2 C 18 H 35 O 2 , used as a drier in paints and as a thickener in lubricating oils.
  • amnesty international — an international organization founded in Britain in 1961 that works to secure the release of people imprisoned for their beliefs, to ban the use of torture, and to abolish the death penalty
  • analects of confucius — Chinese Lun Yü. a compilation of the discourses, maxims, and aphorisms of Confucius, dating from the 4th century b.c.
  • anti-aircraft missile — a missile intended to destroy enemy aircraft
  • antiballistic missile — a missile designed to destroy an incoming ballistic missile before it reaches its target
  • antimony pentasulfide — a deep-yellow, water-insoluble powder, Sb 2 S 5 , used chiefly as a pigment in oil and water colors.
  • appendicular skeleton — the girdles and skeleton of the limbs
  • applications language — Ousterhout's dichotomy
  • applications software — application program
  • argus tortoise beetle — any of several turtle-shaped leaf beetles, as Chelymorpha cassidea (argus tortoise beetle or milkweed tortoise beetle) which resembles the ladybird beetle and feeds primarily on bindweed and milkweed.
  • articles of agreement — a contract between the captain of a ship and a crew member regarding stipulations of a voyage, signed prior to and upon termination of a voyage.
  • as dull as ditchwater — extremely uninspiring
  • as luck would have it — fortunately
  • ascii character table — (character)   The following list gives the octal, decimal and hexadecimal ASCII codes for each character along with its printed representation and common name(s). Oct Dec Hex Name 000 0 0x00 NUL 001 1 0x01 SOH, Control-A 002 2 0x02 STX, Control-B 003 3 0x03 ETX, Control-C 004 4 0x04 EOT, Control-D 005 5 0x05 ENQ, Control-E 006 6 0x06 ACK, Control-F 007 7 0x07 BEL, Control-G 010 8 0x08 BS, backspace, Control-H 011 9 0x09 HT, tab, Control-I 012 10 0x0a LF, line feed, newline, Control-J 013 11 0x0b VT, Control-K 014 12 0x0c FF, form feed, NP, Control-L 015 13 0x0d CR, carriage return, Control-M 016 14 0x0e SO, Control-N 017 15 0x0f SI, Control-O 020 16 0x10 DLE, Control-P 021 17 0x11 DC1, XON, Control-Q 022 18 0x12 DC2, Control-R 023 19 0x13 DC3, XOFF, Control-S 024 20 0x14 DC4, Control-T 025 21 0x15 NAK, Control-U 026 22 0x16 SYN, Control-V 027 23 0x17 ETB, Control-W 030 24 0x18 CAN, Control-X 031 25 0x19 EM, Control-Y 032 26 0x1a SUB, Control-Z 033 27 0x1b ESC, escape 034 28 0x1c FS 035 29 0x1d GS 036 30 0x1e RS 037 31 0x1f US 040 32 0x20 space 041 33 0x21 !, exclamation mark 042 34 0x22 ", double quote 043 35 0x23 #, hash 044 36 0x24 $, dollar 045 37 0x25 %, percent 046 38 0x26 &, ampersand 047 39 0x27 ', quote 050 40 0x28 (, open parenthesis 051 41 0x29 ), close parenthesis 052 42 0x2a *, asterisk 053 43 0x2b +, plus 054 44 0x2c ,, comma 055 45 0x2d -, minus 056 46 0x2e ., full stop 057 47 0x2f /, oblique stroke 060 48 0x30 0, zero 061 49 0x31 1 062 50 0x32 2 063 51 0x33 3 064 52 0x34 4 065 53 0x35 5 066 54 0x36 6 067 55 0x37 7 070 56 0x38 8 071 57 0x39 9 072 58 0x3a :, colon 073 59 0x3b ;, semicolon 074 60 0x3c <, less than 075 61 0x3d =, equals 076 62 0x3e >, greater than 077 63 0x3f ?, question mark 0100 64 0x40 @, commercial at 0101 65 0x41 A 0102 66 0x42 B 0103 67 0x43 C 0104 68 0x44 D 0105 69 0x45 E 0106 70 0x46 F 0107 71 0x47 G 0110 72 0x48 H 0111 73 0x49 I 0112 74 0x4a J 0113 75 0x4b K 0114 76 0x4c L 0115 77 0x4d M 0116 78 0x4e N 0117 79 0x4f O 0120 80 0x50 P 0121 81 0x51 Q 0122 82 0x52 R 0123 83 0x53 S 0124 84 0x54 T 0125 85 0x55 U 0126 86 0x56 V 0127 87 0x57 W 0130 88 0x58 X 0131 89 0x59 Y 0132 90 0x5a Z 0133 91 0x5b [, open square bracket 0134 92 0x5c \, backslash 0135 93 0x5d ], close square bracket 0136 94 0x5e ^, caret 0137 95 0x5f _, underscore 0140 96 0x60 `, back quote 0141 97 0x61 a 0142 98 0x62 b 0143 99 0x63 c 0144 100 0x64 d 0145 101 0x65 e 0146 102 0x66 f 0147 103 0x67 g 0150 104 0x68 h 0151 105 0x69 i 0152 106 0x6a j 0153 107 0x6b k 0154 108 0x6c l 0155 109 0x6d m 0156 110 0x6e n 0157 111 0x6f o 0160 112 0x70 p 0161 113 0x71 q 0162 114 0x72 r 0163 115 0x73 s 0164 116 0x74 t 0165 117 0x75 u 0166 118 0x76 v 0167 119 0x77 w 0170 120 0x78 x 0171 121 0x79 y 0172 122 0x7a z 0173 123 0x7b {, open curly bracket 0174 124 0x7c |, vertical bar 0175 125 0x7d }, close curly bracket 0176 126 0x7e ~, tilde 0177 127 0x7f delete See NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, ETX, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL, BS, HT, line feed, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI, DLE, XON, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB, CAN, EM, SUB, ESC, FS, GS, RS, US, space, exclamation mark, double quote, hash, dollar, percent, ampersand, quote, open parenthesis, close parenthesis, asterisk, plus, comma, minus, full stop, oblique stroke, colon, semicolon, less than, equals, greater than, question mark, commercial at, open square bracket, backslash, close square bracket, caret, underscore, back quote, open curly bracket, vertical bar, close curly bracket, tilde, delete.
  • asiliant technologies — (company)   A company founded by a group of former Chips and Technologies employees with experience with the CHIPS products, suppliers, distributors and customers. Asiliant offer C&T's industry standard Flat Panel and CRT controller family.
  • astronomical distance — the distance from one celestial body to another, measured in astronomical units, light-years, or parsecs.
  • astronomical latitude — the angle between the direction of gravity at the observer's position and the plane of the celestial equator
  • astronomical triangle — the spherical triangle formed by the great circles connecting a celestial object, the zenith, and the celestial pole.
  • at a/o's low(est) ebb — If someone or something is at a low ebb or at their lowest ebb, they are not being very successful or profitable.
  • athenaeus of attaleia — Greek physician in Rome, fl. a.d. c40–65.
  • augustin jean fresnelAugustin Jean, 1788–1827, French physicist.
  • australian cattle dog — a compact strongly-built dog of a breed with pricked ears and a smooth bluish-grey coat, often used for controlling and moving cattle
  • balance sheet account — A balance sheet account is an account in the chart of accounts that is reported on the balance sheet.
  • ball-and-socket joint — a coupling between two rods, tubes, etc, that consists of a spherical part fitting into a spherical socket, allowing free movement within a specific conical volume
  • be flat on one's back — the rear part of the human body, extending from the neck to the lower end of the spine.
  • be on the danger list — to be critically ill in hospital
  • bernadette of lourdes — Saint. original name Marie Bernarde Soubirous. 1844–79, French peasant girl born in Lourdes, whose visions of the Virgin Mary led to the establishment of Lourdes as a centre of pilgrimage, esp for the sick or crippled. Feast day: Feb 18
  • beyond (all) question — beyond (any) dispute or doubt
  • bicameral legislature — two-chamber lawmaking system
  • binding-time analysis — (compiler)   An analysis to identify sub-expressions which can be evaluated at compile-time or where versions of a function can be generated and called which are specialised to certain values of one or more arguments. See partial evaluation.
  • blot on the landscape — If you describe something such as a building as a blot on the landscape, you mean that you think it is very ugly and spoils an otherwise attractive place.
  • blow one's brains out — to kill oneself by shooting oneself in the head
  • bottlebrush moustache — a short, bristly moustache

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