
11-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • procreative — to beget or generate (offspring).
  • proctologic — the branch of medicine dealing with the rectum and anus.
  • proctorship — a person appointed to keep watch over students at examinations.
  • procuration — the act of obtaining or getting; procurement.
  • procyclical — cyclic.
  • prodigality — the quality or fact of being prodigal; wasteful extravagance in spending.
  • prodigalize — to spend lavishly
  • productible — to bring into existence; give rise to; cause: to produce steam.
  • productions — the act of producing; creation; manufacture.
  • profanation — the act of profaning; desecration; defilement; debasement.
  • profeminist — advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men.
  • proficiency — the state of being proficient; skill; expertness: proficiency in music.
  • profiterole — a small cream puff with a sweet or savory filling, as of cream and chocolate sauce.
  • profits tax — tax charged on the profits made by a company, individual, etc
  • profusively — profuse; lavish; prodigal: profusive generosity.
  • progenitive — capable of having offspring; reproductive.
  • progeniture — procreation
  • prognathism — having protrusive jaws; having a gnathic index over 103.
  • programming — a plan of action to accomplish a specified end: a school lunch program.
  • progressing — a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
  • progression — the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.
  • progressism — the philosophy of a progressist
  • progressist — a person favoring progress, as in politics; progressive.
  • progressive — favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters: a progressive mayor.
  • prohibition — the act of prohibiting.
  • prohibitive — serving or tending to prohibit or forbid something.
  • prohibitory — prohibitive.
  • prokaryotic — any cellular organism that has no nuclear membrane, no organelles in the cytoplasm except ribosomes, and has its genetic material in the form of single continuous strands forming coils or loops, characteristic of all organisms in the kingdom Monera, as the bacteria and blue-green algae.
  • proletarian — pertaining or belonging to the proletariat.
  • proletariat — common people, working class
  • proletarize — to proletarianize.
  • proliferate — spread
  • proliferous — proliferating.
  • prolificacy — producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful: a prolific pear tree.
  • prolificity — producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful: a prolific pear tree.
  • prolocution — an introductory remark or speech
  • prolocutrix — a female prolocutor
  • promenading — a stroll or walk, especially in a public place, as for pleasure or display.
  • promilitary — of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy: from civilian to military life.
  • prominently — standing out so as to be seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable: Her eyes are her most prominent feature.
  • promiscuity — the state of being promiscuous.
  • promiscuous — characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis.
  • promiseless — without promise
  • promisingly — giving favorable promise; likely to turn out well: a promising young man; a promising situation.
  • promo video — a video or short film that promotes or advertises something
  • promotional — advancement in rank or position.
  • prompt side — the part of the stage that in the U.S. is to the right and in Britain to the left as one faces the audience. Abbreviation: P.S.
  • promptitude — promptness.
  • promycelium — a short filament produced in the germination of a spore that bears small spores and then dies.
  • pronatalism — the policy or practice of encouraging the bearing of children, especially government support of a higher birthrate.
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