
11-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • prestations — a payment in money or in services.
  • prestigious — indicative of or conferring prestige: the most prestigious address in town.
  • prestissimo — (a musical direction) in the most rapid tempo.
  • presumption — the act of presuming.
  • pretensions — the laying of a claim to something.
  • pretentious — characterized by assumption of dignity or importance, especially when exaggerated or undeserved: a pretentious, self-important waiter.
  • preterition — the act of passing by or over; omission; disregard.
  • prevacation — a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday: Schoolchildren are on vacation now.
  • previous to — before, prior to
  • previsional — characteristic of prevision
  • price point — the price for which something is sold on the retail market, especially in relation to a range of competitive prices: We can't go below the $100 price point for this printer.
  • priest-hole — a secret chamber in certain houses in England, built as a hiding place for Roman Catholic priests when they were proscribed in the 16th and 17th centuries
  • prima donna — a first or principal female singer of an opera company.
  • primatology — the branch of zoology dealing with the primates.
  • prime focus — the focal point of the objective lens or primary mirror of a telescope
  • prime mover — Mechanics. the initial agent, as wind or electricity, that puts a machine in motion. a machine, as a water wheel or steam engine, that receives and modifies energy as supplied by some natural source.
  • primiparous — a woman who has borne but one child or who is parturient for the first time.
  • prioritised — to arrange or do in order of priority: learning to prioritize our assignments.
  • prioritized — to arrange or do in order of priority: learning to prioritize our assignments.
  • prison camp — a camp for the confinement of prisoners of war or political prisoners.
  • prison farm — a farm attached to a prison, where prisoners carry out hard labour
  • prison riot — a disturbance made by an unruly mob in a prison
  • prison yard — a piece of enclosed ground attached to a prison, where prisoners may take exercise at certain times
  • prize court — a court whose function it is to adjudicate on prizes taken in war.
  • prize money — money offered, won, or received in prizes.
  • prizeworthy — deserving or qualified for a prize: a prizeworthy performance.
  • pro memoria — a formal note used in diplomacy as a record of a subject that has been discussed.
  • pro-african — Also, Africa. of or from Africa; belonging to the black peoples of Africa.
  • pro-british — of or relating to Great Britain or its inhabitants.
  • pro-chinese — the standard language of China, based on the speech of Beijing; Mandarin.
  • pro-choicer — a person who supports the right of a woman to have an abortion
  • pro-fascist — a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
  • pro-vaccine — any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production.
  • pro-zionist — a worldwide Jewish movement that resulted in the establishment and development of the state of Israel.
  • proabortion — pro-choice.
  • proactively — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • proactivity — serving to prepare for, intervene in, or control an expected occurrence or situation, especially a negative or difficult one; anticipatory: proactive measures against crime.
  • probabilism — Philosophy. the doctrine, introduced by the Skeptics, that certainty is impossible and that probability suffices to govern faith and practice.
  • probability — the quality or fact of being probable.
  • probational — the act of testing.
  • probationer — a person undergoing probation or trial.
  • problematic — of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
  • probusiness — an occupation, profession, or trade: His business is poultry farming.
  • proceedings — a particular action or course or manner of action.
  • procephalic — of or relating to the head.
  • processible — capable of being processed.
  • prochlorite — a dark green member of the chlorite group, usually foliated.
  • prochronism — a chronological error in which a person, event, etc., is assigned a date earlier than the actual one; prolepsis.
  • proclaimant — someone who proclaims
  • procreation — to beget or generate (offspring).
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