
11-letter words containing p, o, i, r

  • piss around — If you say that someone pisses around or pisses about, you mean they waste a lot of time doing unimportant things.
  • pistol grip — a handle or grip, as of a rifle or saw, shaped like the butt of a pistol.
  • piston ring — a metallic ring, usually one of a series, and split so as to be expansible, placed around a piston in order to maintain a tight fit, as inside the cylinder of an engine.
  • pitchometer — an instrument embodying a clinometer, for measuring the pitch of a ship's propeller
  • pitchperson — a pitchman or pitchwoman
  • pittosporum — any of various shrubs or trees of the genus Pittosporum, native to warm regions of the Old World, many species of which are cultivated as ornamentals for their attractive foliage, flowers, or fruit.
  • plain flour — ground wheat with no raising agent
  • planuliform — resembling a planula
  • platforming — a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst
  • pleiomerous — (of a flower) having a greater than normal number of parts
  • pleiotropic — the phenomenon of one gene being responsible for or affecting more than one phenotypic characteristic.
  • pleochroism — the property of certain crystals of exhibiting different colors when viewed from different directions under transmitted light. Compare dichroism (def 1), trichroism.
  • pleomorphic — of, relating to, or characterized by pleomorphism; polymorphous.
  • plerophoria — full conviction
  • pleurodynia — pain in the chest or side.
  • plumigerous — wearing or possessing feathers
  • pluripotent — (of a cell) capable of developing into any type of cell or tissue except those that form a placenta or embryo: pluripotent stem cells.
  • plutocratic — of, relating to, or characterized by a plutocracy or plutocrats.
  • pluviometer — rain gauge.
  • plyometrics — a system of exercise in which the muscles are repeatedly stretched and suddenly contracted
  • podetiiform — shaped like a podetium.
  • point after — a score given for a successful kick between the goalposts and above the crossbar, following a touchdown
  • point group — a class of crystals determined by a combination of their symmetry elements, all crystals left unchanged by a given set of symmetry elements being placed in the same class.
  • point guard — Basketball. the guard who directs the team's offense from the point.
  • polar orbit — a spacecraft orbit that passes over, or close to, the geographic poles of the earth or some other celestial body.
  • polarimeter — an instrument for measuring the amount of light received from a given source as a function of its state of polarization.
  • polariscope — an instrument for measuring or exhibiting the polarization of light or for examining substances in polarized light, often to determine stress and strain in glass and other substances.
  • polarizable — to cause polarization in.
  • police work — the everyday duties of police officers, esp the investigation of criminal activities
  • policy term — The policy term is the lifetime of an insurance policy.
  • policymaker — a person responsible for making policy, especially in government.
  • policyowner — policyholder.
  • poliorcetic — relating to the besieging of cities
  • politbureau — (often lowercase) the executive committee and chief policymaking body of a Communist Party.
  • poll rating — a measurement of a politician's popularity among the electorate, obtained by canvassing a representative sample of people
  • pollakiuria — abnormally frequent urination.
  • poltergeist — a ghost or spirit supposed to manifest its presence by noises, knockings, etc.
  • polyandrist — a woman who practices or favors polyandry.
  • polycentric — having many centers, especially of power or importance: the polycentric world of banking.
  • polychroism — the ability of a crystal to absorb different wavelengths of light and thus to display multiple colours
  • polychromic — having or exhibiting a variety of colors.
  • polycrotism — a polycrotic condition
  • polygraphic — an instrument for receiving and recording simultaneously tracings of variations in certain body activities.
  • polyhistory — the quality of a polyhistor
  • polymerizes — to subject to polymerization.
  • polymorphic — polymorphism
  • polyspermia — the secretion of an excessive amount of semen.
  • polytrophic — (of certain bacteria) deriving nourishment from many organic substances.
  • polyzoarium — a bryozoan colony, or its supporting skeleton.
  • pomiculture — the growing or cultivation of fruit.
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