
10-letter words containing p, i, e, c

  • polyactine — the spicule of a polyactinal sponge
  • polyethnic — inhabited by or consisting of people of many ethnic backgrounds.
  • polyhedric — resembling a polyhedron
  • ponchielli — Amilcare [ah-meel-kah-re] /ɑˈmil kɑ rɛ/ (Show IPA), 1834–86, Italian composer.
  • ponticello — a bridge on a stringed instrument
  • pontifices — plural of pontifex.
  • porrection — the act of holding something out for presentation or acceptance
  • postexilic — being or occurring subsequent to the exile of the Jews in Babylonia 597–538 b.c.
  • potsticker — a pan-fried and steamed Chinese dumpling with a ground meat or vegetable filling.
  • practicers — habitual or customary performance; operation: office practice.
  • pratincole — any of several limicoline birds of the genus Glareola, of the Eastern Hemisphere, having a short bill, long, narrow, pointed wings, and a forked tail.
  • pre-advice — an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.
  • pre-atomic — of or relating to the period of history preceding the atomic age.
  • pre-climax — a stable community that precedes the full development of the climax community of a given area and that results from local variations in soil and water.
  • pre-excite — to stimulate (esp part of the heart muscle) in preparation or beforehand
  • pre-exilic — being or occurring prior to the exile of the Jews in Babylonia 597–538 b.c.
  • preachings — the act or practice of a person who preaches.
  • preaseptic — pertaining to the period before the use of aseptic practices in surgery.
  • prebiotics — natural substances in some foods that encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut
  • precarious — dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure: a precarious livelihood.
  • precaution — a measure taken in advance to avert possible evil or to secure good results.
  • preceptial — preceptive, instructive, didactic; conveying or consisting of precepts
  • preceptive — of the nature of or expressing a precept; mandatory.
  • preceramic — noting or pertaining to a period or culture antedating the use of ceramics or pottery.
  • precession — the act or fact of preceding; precedence.
  • preciosity — fastidious or carefully affected refinement, as in language, style, or taste.
  • preciouses — of high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious metals.
  • preciously — of high price or great value; very valuable or costly: precious metals.
  • precipitin — an antibody that reacts with its specific antigen to form an insoluble precipitate.
  • preclusion — to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible: The insufficiency of the evidence precludes a conviction.
  • preclusive — to prevent the presence, existence, or occurrence of; make impossible: The insufficiency of the evidence precludes a conviction.
  • precocious — unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development: a precocious child.
  • precognize — to know or cognize in advance; to have prior cognizance of (something)
  • preconceit — a preconceived idea; a preconception
  • preconized — to proclaim or commend publicly.
  • precooling — Precooling is a process which improves the performance of a unit by reducing the compressor load and the head pressure.
  • precursive — of the nature of a precursor; preliminary; introductory: precursory remarks.
  • predacious — predatory; rapacious.
  • predicable — that may be predicated or affirmed; assertable.
  • predicated — to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert.
  • predicator — the verbal element of a clause or sentence.
  • predicting — to declare or tell in advance; prophesy; foretell: to predict the weather; to predict the fall of a civilization.
  • prediction — an act of predicting.
  • predictive — of or relating to prediction: losing one's predictive power.
  • predictory — predictive.
  • prediscuss — to consider or examine by argument, comment, etc.; talk over or write about, especially to explore solutions; debate: to discuss the proposed law on taxes.
  • prefascist — relating to fascist leanings before Fascism was founded in 1919
  • prefinance — the management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally, especially those affecting the public, as in the fields of banking and investment.
  • preglacial — prior to a given glacial epoch, especially the Pleistocene.
  • preincline — to dispose or prepare beforehand: Their experiences had preinclined them to think pessimistically.
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